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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. yes its back lol so easy to win
  2. 1381
  3. i know what you feel like my mom died of cancer a few years ago
  4. you need to get a host and since you want a free host there are going to be ads and not alot of bandwidth or space you will have to buy a domain name or use a free one like .co.nr which requires a link-back icon on the first page of your site. free site's can usually easily be taken down and are not usually running on the best of servers, so they can be slow
  5. google alwayse has to be the best, and they do not like to support anyone else, they dont even want to ever pay though paypal so they had to come out with google checkout and they have their own mail system and now their own browser. it looks good but i dont think it will catch on like FF and not IE of course
  6. well as you know their ban-hammer has gotten alot better, in halo 2 you could mod for like 6 hours and not get banned then they updated it and you got signed out after like 5 seconds, so if they keep updating it m it can only get better for them and worse for us , but i think we will alwayse find ways around it
  7. the account has been unsuspended
  8. yeah, lol
  9. http://www.treadwaygallery.com/ONLINECATALOGS/January2006/FridayWEBimages/1374.jpg
  10. why is this in vip Moved
  11. 1371
  12. 1369
  13. the old site was great i remember i first came for an xbox original dash
  14. 1367
  15. 1363 A
  16. lol i dunno 1361
  17. http://www.treadwaygallery.com/ONLINECATALOGS/January2006/FridayWEBimages/1358.jpg
  18. http://www.treadwaygallery.com/ONLINECATALOGS/January2006/FridayWEBimages/1356.jpg
  19. i have to say these would be cooler http://www.geekologie.com/2007/01/29/mp3-shoes.jpg
  20. lol NDBlocks.com rank is 105,853 but everything sounds great , we are getting better and better
  21. sorry i dont have that on my pc and the original rapidshare links have been deleted
  22. http://www.treadwaygallery.com/ONLINECATALOGS/January2006/FridayWEBimages/1352.jpg
  23. http://www.treadwaygallery.com/ONLINECATALOGS/January2006/FridayWEBimages/1350.jpg i could swear i uploaded a pic
  24. lol i think i did the same thing at 666
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