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About lol7dayban

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  1. you wont do it
  2. Dude take those links down or you WILL be banned. Someone WILL download and get fkd up.
  3. Not only this generation Also focus how we're NOT just modding H3, We got GoW2, we where the first site to discover the commands for CoD5. L4D, etc etc etc.
  4. Not under a month. He is working on a resigner/rehasher/different game modding programs that aren't just halo 3. It's going to be sex.
  5. Eye. The greenish/brown seem kind of dull.
  6. Sick bastard.
  7. Can we have a pre-said date before the drop? I gotta make plans.
  8. Drugs r teh bad. They rape moar underaged minors then priests.
  9. During update are you going to add Elite VIP?
  10. Read from bottom up.. Basically massive spam nubzor. BAN!!! (10:38 PM) lol7dayban - quit spammin (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qetht;qoetugh;weuthgqo'eiutjyg (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - hjqet'ohujoqteuhg;q (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qrphjo'wrojig;oqetjhr (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - pjitrhqet (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qeptjh (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qethj (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - etpihj (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - eltykj'hkaejt;ohiqjte'pihjq (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - [teyij' (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - rtwwtkjnl;wrjnthl'gqekmgf'q;etjh'wlkrht (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qetht;qoetugh;weuthgqo'eiutjyg (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - hjqet'ohujoqteuhg;q (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qrphjo'wrojig;oqetjhr (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - pjitrhqet (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qeptjh (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - qethj (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - etpihj (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - eltykj'hkaejt;ohiqjte'pihjq (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - [teyij' (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - rtwwtkjnl;wrjnthl'gqekmgf'q;etjh'wlkrht (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - pworkyj (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - pteyokhjt;lyekhj'twokj (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - shsio;afvjrt'lkjs'rlktgj'lwrkjgtl/rskmhl'wktymnhoijgoihkmjwor;gjh;worjh;worjth/lrskgm;leriyjht'owirjt;srktjh;owryijh;wrjth'owrijth'owirjhworijht'srihy'worijh'worijht'wrtjh'wtihjworyhijorywhnoyrwihjo'wyhjowryijhwrjyjhijwyroij'ohiwj'oyrihj'wroiyjh'oetyikjytjkjkjkjkjkkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjt'ypokj (10:37 PM) Ibotpop - haha i know jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkj kjkjkj (10:36 PM) lol7dayban - no..really...please leave. (10:36 PM) zZDarkLegacyZz - lol omfg rofl lmfao you said jkjkjkjk a thousand times lololrofl (10:35 PM) Ibotpop - haha i love u 2 jk (10:35 PM) lol7dayban - how much we hate you. (10:35 PM) Korupt Data - im* (10:34 PM) zZDarkLegacyZz - i hope peaches uses my idea >____< (10:34 PM) Korupt Data - il tired of these scrubs (10:34 PM) Ibotpop - haha (10:34 PM) Ibotpop - n00BzzZzZzZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10:34 PM) Korupt Data - i hope peaches uses my idea >____< (10:34 PM) Ibotpop - haha so what wer we talkin bout (10:33 PM) zZDarkLegacyZz - wh4t 4 n00bz0r (10:33 PM) lol7dayban - zomgz0r (10:33 PM) lol7dayban - !!!! exclamation points are so much fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10:32 PM) Ibotpop - i love u 2 lol7dayban!!!! haha (10:31 PM) lol7dayban - hope you die. (10:30 PM) Ibotpop - jkjkjkjk i hate u all!!!! just kiddin i dont even know you!!!!! lol!!!! (10:30 PM) lol7dayban - great, an addict who has no life but just go onto a random online chatroom (10:29 PM) Ibotpop - i love you guys (10:29 PM) Tommy2st - ibotpoop...lol (10:29 PM) Ibotpop - haha what? (10:29 PM) Ibotpop - haha xDXDxdxdXdXdXdXXdXdXdX (10:29 PM) lol7dayban - you speaky english good, no? (10:28 PM) Ibotpop - : D (10:28 PM) Ibotpop - haha u guys r do fun to mess with!!!! (10:27 PM) Korupt Data - nice spam >__> (10:26 PM) lol7dayban - kinnin? (10:26 PM) Ibotpop - ROFL!!!!!
  11. I love how you acuse these people of having no lives, when you spent every waking moment of your life trying to make us believe you can do something that is PROVEN impossible. Get over yourself and get a grip. ~Fatal Error (temp. lol7dayban)
  12. What about Me, KD, Boosy, Danny boi, Oxidium, Yungbol, etc ? Where the newest generation and we're keepin this site alive damnit!
  13. x12
  14. I get no honorable mention? No <3's? I brought non-homo to the site damnit!
  15. Why? It's sexii.
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