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Everything posted by patriot999

  1. does he actually swing the hammer or does he just run around with it
  2. you should do a video tut
  3. thx for posting the tut
  4. need a dev kit
  5. Looks pretty cool
  6. pics please
  7. a lot of people on halo think they are all fake
  8. y do people care about having a 50?
  9. Holy ****
  10. awsome map
  11. click my sig except for the cent sports
  12. cool
  13. post some vids showing that you can do these and the price is way to high
  14. I still don't really understand how they do that. Is it just like modding the background on halo 2?
  15. you can get free games at Free game gear at http://www.prizerebel.com/index.php?r=663486 http://www.gaminglagoon.com/?ref=400916 http://www.videogamelagoon.com/?ref=83069 http://www.rewards1.com/index.php?referrer_id=476152
  16. How to mod halo 3 films NOTE: Do not wear Mark VI or else the film will be corrupt... You can edit to Mark VI but not from it. Here is how far from the beginning of the gamertag for the different things to edit, and some of the idents. Armor +45 = head, shoulders, shoulders, chest Head MarkVI = 00 CQB = 01 EVA = 02 Recon = 03 EOD = 04 Hayabusa = 05 Security = 06 Scout = 07 ODST = 08 MarkV = 09 Rogue = 0A Shoulders MarkVI = 00 CQB = 01 EVA = 02 Recon = 03 EOD = 04 Hayabusa = 05 Security = 06 Scout = 07 Chest MarkVI = 00 CQB = 01 EVA = 02 Recon = 03 Hayabusa = 04 EOD = 05 Scout = 06 Katana = 07 Bungie Chest= 08 Colors +32 = primary, secondary, detail Values Aqua = 10 Blue = 12 Brown = 1B Cobalt = 13 Coral = 07 Crimson = 18 Cyan = 11 Gold = 09 Green = 0D Khaki = 1D Lavender = 17 Mauve = 04 Olive = 0E Orange = 06 Orchid = 16 Pale = 0B Peach = 08 Pink = 1A Red = 03 Rubine = 19 Sage = 0C Salmon = 05 Sapphire = 14 Silver = 01 Steel = 00 Tan = 1C Teal = 0F Violet = 15 White = 02 Yellow = 0A Emblems +37 = foreground, background Emblem Colors +40 = primary, secondary, background
  17. Thanks
  18. How do you make the cameras show you on the screens? Can you do this with the forge program?
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