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Everything posted by shadowrckt

  1. Aw the map pack link isn't working =/
  2. never too old lol, I'll add you grunt, I get customs going on the weekends with ~16 people so feel free to join in
  3. I know this is old but "shadow rckts" is my gamertag!
  4. What's under there?
  5. What's under there?
  6. so, just curious because it looked cute, what ever became of this?
  7. the links don't work DX
  8. does anyone know where i could download the h2 campaign maps? (clean)
  9. this just gives me the warm and fuzzies
  10. I do not have the grunt-tastic map pack but i have collected quite a few maps, I'll get them. eventually. maybe. most likely
  11. i may still have your grunt-tastic map pack but i think it may have been deleted when i factory reset my desktop but i shall look!
  12. i take it there is no way then lol
  13. no, its normal, im looking for a jtagged one to buy still =/ there's one for sale near me but its $45 so it's a little too sketchy for me
  14. thanks =) cause i looked on the dashboard and h2 stuff isn't even there anymore (boo)
  15. I downloaded the maps for halo 2 when they first came out but they don't seem to be on my hard drive anymore (angry hard drive? rofl) ANYWAY, i was wondering if there was a way to play my modded maps on my 360 without having to go pay for the maps all over again with that disk. i do have the maps now but i was wondering i guess if there was a way to put them on my hard drive so that it would read them like normal
  16. i know this is a bump but this doesn't work on my 64bit windows 7 laptop, could someone refer me to one that does?
  17. still one of my all time favorites
  18. i joined this back when H2 modding was awesome (still is in my opinion)...used to comment mainly in the shoutbox... and on live...is it sad i still have all of the programs i ever tried out from these forums on my computer?
  19. numbers sent
  20. a kid that lives 2 houses over from mine pre ordered fable 2 does that count? lol
  21. shadowrckt


    those with weak stomachs look away now?
  22. no...its...not?
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