FREE Xbox 360 Transfer Cable from Microsoft Ok guys (or girls) I would just like to let you know that there is another, Way cheaper method of Modding. No need for an Xsata/Xport. All you need is an Xbox 360 Transfer Cable straight out of the hands of Microsoft ! They are giving these cables away for FREE to any owner of an Xbox 360 Elite, Xbox 360 Pro, or Xbox 360 Premium. The cables are alot more durable than the Xsata and they are also alot smaller than the Xport. If you allready have an Xsata or Xport, you might want to order it anyway just as an extra cable. I just wanted to let you all know how easy it is to mod some of your favorite games without having to spend any of your hard earned cash or do any of those annoying online surveys. Order Form- If you do not feel compfortable with entering your information, feel free to call 1800-4MY-XBOX If you are not familliar with the Xbox 360 Hotline, It's a Toll Free Xbox 360 Support system. You can call and talk to any Experienced Xbox 360 or Xbox agent from any time from 9am to 1am Eastern Time. Also, its FREE shipping ! If you do not have an Xbox 360 Elite, Xbox 360 Pro, or Xbox 360 Premium. You can still get the transfer cable, you just need the cerial code for one of the Xbox 360's. The easiest way to get a cerial code to use is to get one from a friend who hasnt allready ordered a cable yet. Here are some pictures i took of my beautiful, FREE tranfer cable ! 1. 2. 3. Tips When you are on the line with the machine operated guy,I think his name is Max, if you do not wish to speak to him/or her just say "Agent" and they will take you to one of they're Xbox agents. Don't put the disc that comes with the package into your PC/MAC or Xbox 360. It will download programs onto your Comp or Mac that will stop you from using modding programs. Special thanks to snowshredder34 from se7ensins for showing me this new FREE method of modding ! Yours Truly, L1LnICKY
Halo 3 Silver Skulls Video Cannot Be Displayed Skulls Blind Skull - You lose your HUD. Grunt Birthday Party Skull - Shoot a grunt to find out. Cowbell Skull - Makes explosions bigger. IWHBYD Skull - Hidden audio throughout the game. __________________________ IWHBYD Skull Jump through the halo's in this order 4 6 5 4 5 3 4 - L1LnICKY
Halo 3 Golden Skulls Video Cannot Be Displayed Skulls Iron Skull - When you die you restart from the very beginning. Black Eye Skull - Shield and health only recharges by melee atacks. Tough Luck Skull - Enemies make all there saving throws, charge more often etc. Catch Skull - Enemies have alot more grenades and aren't afraid to throw them. Fog Skull - There is no radar. Famine Skull - Weapons now come half stalked. Thunderstorm Skull - All enemies go up a rank. Tilt Skull - Enemie shields are much stronger. Mythic Skull - All enemies have maximum health. - L1LnICKY
Hey matty, How do you get the video there, like i usually just copy a link and you have to click on it, how do you get the little you tube video there were you can press play and stuff please reply thanks a bunch