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About L1LnICKY

  • Birthday 08/11/1995

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  1. Peaches, I just downloaded the program. So where on my HDD do I save the file? Also, do I have to rehash and resign with my ID's? Please reply, Thanks!
  2. Just posting to Authorize myself.
  3. Thanks Peaches, I'll try the program as soon as I get home, I'm at school so I can't try it out. I'm super excited to use the Baseball bat for L4D2. Thanks man!
  4. bump. Please, I would like to know how to use this program! Sorry for being a nub, but I am just used to Amateur modding, for example modding gamesave's with Modio. Anyways, please help! A friend of mine told me that Peaches removed the program and his updating it/ fixing it, is this true? Thanks to everyone who replys!
  5. If anyone is interested, please either reply, or send a message to me over Xbox Livehttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/mag-glass_10x10.gif, My gamertag is: L1LnICKY, spelt the same way as my iBotModz username. If your thinking im going to weigh you down, your mistaken. I don't want to brag, but I will say that I am pretty good at Halo. I have tried for this Achievement multiple times, gotten to the 4th set all 3 times, but gotten mowed down by Chieftans, but I have now studied multiple strategies on how to get this Vidmaster, and I am very confident with my next try at it. I ill do any map, but I would prefer either Lost Platoon. But I have gotten to the 4th set on others. Anyways, enough with the rambling, please reply! One more time, GT: L1LnICKY Edit: I got this Vidmaster yesterday, special thanks to MattyBoy702, Ve7o, and You TriPpY for helping me with this Achievement. I also want to thank lostmodz26, Lockon Stratos, and Diggy for offering to help, you guys really are awesome!
  6. Also Peaches, you said you were going to add a few new games in the next version, I was going to mention, if you could somehow get the Bioshock 2 Pre-Order bonus code for the Extra Characters in there man, I would do anything ! I wanted that code so bad, but never could find a code. Well, I wanted it pretty bad, but nowhere near as bad as the Golden Hammerburst for GOW2, I didn't end up going to midnight launch sadly. But I saw that was allready in the tool ,so thats great ! But anyways, I know you mentioned something about having to get the code from someones HD in the first place, so if you don't know anyone with it, don't stress it man, I will eventually find a download on Ebay or something. (: Thanks man.
  7. Thanks so much Peaches, that makes sense. You can see why I was starting to doubt that the program was "Legit", because it had such little information as well as a bad help menu. No offense at all, but please; if you end up making that new copy of it, please refer me to a link to the download. Thanks man! So just to make sure, all I do is move the file onto my HDD, and it will then be in my download history? Or it will make it so I am able to download it by going to the marketplace and clicking re-download? If so, please tell me where to store the file. I will not rush, because I really don't look forward to storing the file in the wrong spot on my HD and messing god knows what up. Thanks Peaches, as well as gruntmodz, I was starting to think noone was going to reply to my post. Thumbs Up to the iBotModz community ! (:
  8. Okay well, I don't know how to use this program, the authorization is not the problem anymore, but when I click help it says save the program or use the code provided. There is no code, which i don't understand. I am guessing you need to put the save on your hard drive or something? I'm not quite sure how to do that. I also don't understand how the file's that you download from the program that are apparently ALL pre-order bonus downloads which I have most of them that are listed on there and I know that they all range from about 5Mega Bytes to about 30MB. All these files that you download from the program are 1KB, which is impossible. I am starting to think this program is not legit, and just a phishing program to encourage people to sign up on iBotModz. But it says it is founded by IbotPeaches and Gameover, and it was posted by Peaches himself. So I am extremely confused. Please, if anyone has ever used this program before or has ANY experience in this area of modding, PLEASE help. Either with Reply or PM, or really anything. Thanks.
  9. Please read the message I sent you. Thanks.
  10. I am trying to use the program, but you have to Authorize yourself as a Member of iBotModz, so I am making this post. It seems alot of people are having troubles with this, so i'm guessing this won't work for me. But lets cross out fingers. Please, AUTHORIZE ME ! (: Also, I agree with EVERYONE who thinks Reach is going to PWN MW2 !!
  11. hyffe, you can still get the FREE cable but you may have to do some searching. What I would do is go on ebay or any site like that, and type in Xbox 360 Elite and look for one with Images and when you find one, Zoom in on the Cerial code and give that code to them. Or you could just get a code from one of your friends that hav'nt allready ordered a cable. But that would then mean that they wont ever be able to order a cable. Anyways hyffe i hope you get the cable. Thanks BTK, you can still get a cable, you just have to find another Elite cerial code. PS, I love your Signature.
  12. It all depends on what person you get, Sometimes you may get some jerk who won't let you order a cable unless you have 2 Cerial codes. I called and said i didn't have 2 360's i just bought a bigger harddrive and i need to move my content to that harddrive. I am adding a few things to this topic so be sure to check it out again !
  13. Xplorer 360 does'nt work for me either. Try Export 360
  14. Lewie, you gotta write it like this [ youtube ]whatever is after the = sign [/ youtube ]. without the spaces. for instance, www.youtube.com/watch?= whatever is after the equals sign. Next time when you have a problem put it in the problems and suggestions. - L1LnICKY
  15. Oh it works, i've allready ordered my fare share haha And why you gots to be so hostile geez lol
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