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Everything posted by xXDestroyerGRXx

  1. I found halo 3 beta on a site and i want to know how to rip textures from it is it possible?
  2. yeah just add the folder to c:program files/xbmc/skin
  3. you can you it for pc edition aswell
  4. http://www.creepygif.com/images/full/589.gif @$@%@ SCAMMERS!!
  5. because i bought arcade
  6. i cant download the mods its because i dont have a hdd?
  8. can i skip this?
  9. when i put halo 2 inside xbox says that you need hard drive btw my memory card is 256
  10. yes can i load the emulator in the memory card somehow?
  11. How can i play the xbox 1 games on my 360 without harddisc?
  12. if anyone knows how to extact the halo 3 textures i will be pleased btw i can upload all maps (1024 kbps) upload
  13. Someone in www.modhalo.net can
  14. Is it possible to do that because i have the halo3 map files and i dont know what to do with them?
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