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About XxBlueSniperxX

XxBlueSniperxX's Achievements


Recruit (1/44)



  1. How about a 12month?
  2. wow take a chill pill kid, i was kidding, i dont evan like gears that much to **** with it And you ignorent ****, im not the reason why your banned, your banned cause eithor you 1. Modded yourself therefor your banned 2. You put my modded pics into your fileshare like the ******** you are and thought nothing would happen advirtising them...
  3. YAY ZOMG IT R TIEM FOR MEH 1337 PR0NZ NAO!@#$%^&*()
  4. roflmfao Youngbol whats your aim?
  5. can you re upload your mod? "This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times. This limit is reached."
  6. nvm its just a 1month
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