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Everything posted by TwistedBeare

  1. First off let me say, I'm in the process of graduating with my Digital Video Editing Degree. So this isn't going to be a Movie Maker Montage. A lot of effort is going to be put in this... Now then... >>>>Click Here For More Details<<<< Here are the guidelines for submitting: 1)Only Clips, don't send me a whole game worth of video 2)Send message through Youtube or BeareMontage@hotmail.com 3)Include in the message: GT,URL to Fileshare, and any other info 4)Click subscribe so when I finish the Montage, you'll be notified and you can see your clip on the big screen. Equipment: Black Magic Intensity Pro (1920x1080p) Sony Vegas 9e Accer Hdmi Monitor ASUS w/ C14650 Motherboard A little background information: --I attend college where I'm taking Digital Video Editing --I've been video editing for as long as I can remember --I'm MLG in Modern Warfare 2 --I'm doing this for straight fun and experience
  2. Guys take a look around this site, it was once pretty popular with halo 3 modding and now that everyone is tired of it people left. Hosting just one lobby is a great way to increase the traffic going through this place.
  3. So I've been a member of iBotModz for quit some time now. I also am a member of Se7ensins which is also a good site but it has ALOT of members who don't know how to plug their xbox into a wall socket if there wasn't instructions to do so. iBotModz has been BLESSED with having many talented modders who have a wide range of knowledge. So why haven't we been putting this to work? This site was booming when Halo 3 Modding finally became a reality when resigners were published and after several months the whole modding scene for Halo 3 naturally died down. So stay with me here as I start getting to the point... Modern Warefare 2 Modding has finally had a HUGE breakthrough... XP modding. Now if you take a look at Se7ensins at the XP Lobby Forum, a new thread gets about 1k+ views and comments in a matter of minutes. People will "Donate" to be part of this Xp lobby. Imagine if iBotModz could get someone with a Jtag xbox to host a lobby for on a set date, for example this Saturday. I know its very noobish, but I'f we post just one single link advertising it on another forum, people will FLOOD into this site. Se7ensin's server CRASHED because of the tidal wave of new members it got. All because of what... a JTAGed xbox hosting an XP lobby. And when the xbox gets banned, people have been begging to give their KV's in exchange for just being part of the lobby. Now I plan to buy a RRODed Xbox and fix it and work on JTAGing it. It's going to take me quite a long time because I'm not an electrician so I'm taking my time on JTAGing it. But there are people here who are know exactly what they are doing. I would send an xbox to someone that could JTAG it. I wouldn't XP host for Se7ensins, I would host for here because this is where I started out and I believe I should give back to the site that opened my eyes. To make my point, if we want this site to jump back on its feet sprinting, we need to tap into this new hype. We need to have people hosting XP lobbies and I would be more than happy to help. Whether it's donations you need or simply someone to talk to. I'm all about bringing iBotModz back into the spotlight. If you read this and your thinking of hosting an XP Lobby, tell me. Not just because I want to be part of it, (Even though I've been dieing to get in one), but because I would spread the word. Well I hope I made some impact on this site, hopefully people will get motivated and try to get this site kickin again. This is my favorite place to learn from because everyone seems happy to help. -TwistedBeare
  4. Little boy offers his love to another girl....Watch how that plays out haha
  5. It has been like this allll day, its annoying the hell out of me because we were suppose to do Gears of War 2 Doubles Clan matches all night. Fmylife
  6. Damn Son, I've been playing Electric Guitar for about 9 years, and Im also in a band Band We know made alot of songs but only recorded two. Im using a Ibanez RG370DXGP3 with INF4 Power Pickups with Wizard II neck mhhhmm http://resources.ibanez.com/resourceservicehost/images/Ibanez/web/eg/products/RG370DXGP3BK.gif I also play drums, but don't own my own kit so I play on my drummers haha And Bass for about give or take 3 years. And I play Saxophone for 4 years, and piano for 3 annnddd I think thats it haha. Im very musically inclined
  7. Ok, I was just playing on XBL and all of the sudden all of my friends and I get disconnected...heres the catch, We are still playing together online. But We cant log on XBL.... So I logged of and tried getting back on and It says I dont have a connection along with all my other friends. Anyone else getting this?
  8. Another cool map, nice job.
  9. There was no point making a new names for items already named. Seriously step off my balls kid.
  10. This came in handy, especially when you have every map and they're all different named lol
  11. Well nothing from this is yours, and I made this because you haven't updated yours at all. But its good for basic items.
  12. Nothing was copied from your list, there was no need because there was barely anything to copy. And amazing how mine got wasn't going to be used but yet it was stickied also? So no need to prove anything.
  13. Nice app very helpful, but must it be fullscreen to download the program? lol
  14. Ok, I've used Xplorer360 alot. Im not a new to modding what so ever so push that thought outside your head. I was using a regular computer until I sent it in for upgrades and stuff. Xplorer worked fine on that. But when I try using it on my Sony Vaio Laptop. It just opens Xplorer360, and when I click find HDD, it just freezes... It doesnt say cant find it or anything. Just freezes. I've download every different version of Xplorer360 and all of them have done the same. Im out of ideas here and really need this to start working. Any ideas? Edit: Im not running Vista
  15. TwistedBeare

    SandBox 3.3

    You know if Bungie REALLY wanted to get rid of modding, they screw with our minds by re-arranging the tag list swapping all the names with something else lol As in make Battle Rifle=Plasma Grenade or Mongoose=Deer lol I can imagine the chaos the modding community would have lol
  16. Very Helpful Thank You
  17. OMG the Mario button = MASS PWNAGE
  18. This looks like an amazing mod! Im actually impressed by this one. *hands Steven a cookie* Cherish it... even though all you did was post it lol
  19. The link is broken
  20. You know what I hate, F***ers like the people above me that don't give constructive criticism... they just say pointless things that no one cares about. He uploaded the map to share with US, so if you have a problem with his map...GET THE F*CK OFF HIS THREAD! Damn
  21. My Anti-Virus found 2 Trojans in the program... Maybe TR/Crypt.CFI.Gen - Trojan
  22. I updated everything in Avalanche yesterday
  23. Transcribed by TwistedBeare of iBotModz If used in any program, just simply give credit Have fun modding! Updates: 12/30/08 Added COMPLETE taglist of Avalanche. 7/2/09 Added COMPLETE taglist of Blackout& downloadable taglist in Notepad form. 8/1/09 Added COMPLETE taglist of The Pit& decided to hold off notepad updates. Avalanche Bloc = Man cannon 01 = FB5419DE Man cannon 02 = FB6019EA Man cannon 03 = FB6419EE Man cannon 04 = FB6819F2 Man cannon 05 = FB6C19F6 Man cannon 06 = FB7019FA Man cannon 07 = FB7419FE Man cannon 08 = FB7A1A04 Big Invisible Man Cannon = F9CD1857 Lifts = FB891A13 Missile Pod = EDB40C3E Bipd = Elite = 81341F52 Master Chief = FF7C1D9B Monitor = 823D205B Eqip = Battle Rifle Ammo = F1CC1056 Needler Ammo = F4E1136B Pistol Ammo = F48B1315 Rocket Ammo = F6CB1555 Shotgun Ammo = F393121D SMG Ammo: F3DE1268 Sniper Ammo = F68C1516 Frag Grenade = EF5A0DE4 Bubble Sheild = EFFC0E86 Gravlift = F03C0EC6 Deployable Cover = F0670EF1 Radar Jammer = F8C61750 Power Drainer = F0AB0F35 Regenerator = F0D80F62 Flare = F8D91763 Trip Mine = F0FF0F89 Camo = F0FF0F89 Oversheild = F1370FC1 Custom Power-up = F8F5177F Plasma Grenade = EF050D8F Firebomb Grenade = EF3C0DC6 Spike Grenade = EF6D0DF7 Frag = EF5A0DE4 Active Equipment Active Bubble Shield = F00D0E97 Active Gravity Lift = F0490ED3 Active Cover = F0740EFE Active Power Drain = F0B50F3F Active Regenerator = F0E90F73 Active Jammer = F8CC1756 Active Trip Mine = F1070F91 Active Flare = F8DF1769 Efsc = Steam = F7AE1638 Extra = Sky/Water = E17F0009 Invisible = Box_I = FBB01A3A Box_M = FBB51A3F Box_XI = FBB91A43 Box_XXI = FBBD1A47 Box_XXXI = FBC11A4B Wall_I = FBC51A4F Wall_M = FBC91A53 Wall_XI = FBCD1A57 Wall_XXI = FBD11A5B Wall_XXXI = FBD51A5F Proj = Assault Rifle Bullet = F21A10A4 Banshee Bolt = ECEF0B79 Banshee Bomb = ECF60B80 Battle Rifle Bullet = F1DF1069 Beam Rifle Beam = F27010FA Brute Shot Grenade = F784160E Carbon Pulse = F2B3113D Chopper Bolt = ED920C1C Firebomb = FC801A6C Firebomb Primary Impact = FC8C1A9F Firebomb Secondary Impact = FC941AB3 Firebomb Territorial Impact = FC971AB6 Flamethrower Stream = F86E16F8 Frag Grenade = FC4A05C3 Fuel Rod Shot = F64914D3 Ghost Bolt = E492031C Hornet Bullet = EC280AB2 Hornet Missile = EC2E0AB8 Machine Turret Bullet = EB800A0A Magnum Bullet = F492131C Mauler Bolt = F815169F Missile Pod Missile = EDE50C6F Needler Needle = F4ED1377 Plasma Cannon Bolt = F8B61740 Plasma Grenade = FC590BA2 Plasma Pistol Shot (Charged) = F56313ED Plasma Pistol Shot = F55513DF Plasma Rifle Bolt = F34011CA Rocket Launcher Rocket = F6DC1566 SMG Bullet = F3E5126F Scorpion Shell = EE9B0D25 Scorpion Turret Bullet = EEDE0D68 Sentinel Beam = F62A14B4 Shotgun Slug = F39D1227 Sniper Bullet = F6981522 Spartan Laser Pointer = F5C0144A Spartan Laser Shot = F5D3145D Spike Grenade = FC6F157B Spike Grenade Spike = EF920E1C Spiker Spike = F41E12A8 Warthog Gauss Bullet = E884070E Warthog Turret Bullet = E7A0062A Wraith Anti-Air Turret = EB090993 Wraith Mortar (The Big One) = EAD4095E Scen = 10 Inch Icicle: E2B3013D 18 Inch Icicle: E2E60170 24 Inch Icicle: E305018F Sky = Sky Sidewinder Snow = FC1A1AA4 Vehi = Warthog Turret w/ Snow Camo = E76605F0 Warthog Turret = E91E07A8 Scorpion Cannon w/ Snow Camo = EE8C0D16 Scorpion Cannon = EEE70D71 Scorpion Machine Gun = EEC90D53 Troop = E900078A Wraith Anti-Air =: EAF0097A Wraith Anti-Infantry = EAB90943 W.Wraith Anti-Infantry = EB3409BE Gauss Warthog Turret = E85F06E9 Machine Gun Turret = EB880A12 Plasma Cannon = F8C3174D Missile Pod = EDA80C32 Hornet Lite = EB8C0A16 Banshee = EC830B0D Chopper = ED1F0BA9 Ghost = E310019A Mongoose = E94C07D6 Scorpion = EDFF0C89 Warthog Snow = E6870511 Wraith = E9C5084F Weap = Scorpion Machine Gun = EEDC0D66 Scorpion Cannon = EE990D23 Warthog Chain gun = E79A0624 Warthog Gauss Turret = E882070C Halo 2 Sword = F74615D0 Machine Gun Turret (Detached) = EB6A09F4 Energy Sword = F70C1596 Gravity Hammer = F75415DE Mauler = F43F12C9 Magnum = F47A1304 Needler = F4AD1337 Plasma Pistol = F51713A1 Assault Rifle = F1FD1087 Battle Rifle = F1460FD0 Beam Rifle = F23210BC Carbine = F28E1118 Plasma Rifle = F2D81162 Shotgun = F36B11F5 SMG = F3BD1247 Sniper Rifle = F66414EE Spiker Rifle = F3FF1289 Fuel Rod Cannon = F63914C3 Rocket Launcher = F6B3153D Spartan Laser = F592141C Brute Shot = F77415FE Sentinel Beam = F60A1494 Flamethrower = F83B16C5 Missile Pod = EDBA0C44 Plasma Cannon (Detached) = F8AC1736 Assault Bomb = FACB1955 Odd Ball = FAFD1987 Flag = FA971921 Blackout Bipd = Elite = FC001A2B Master chief = FA491874 Monitor = FD0C1B37 Esfc = Smoke = F06F0EF9 Steam = F07A0F04 Airlift = F0630EED Eqip = Battle Rifle Ammo = EC1C0AA6 Needler Ammo = E9AC0836 Pistol Ammo = E92807B2 Rocket Ammo = EE3B0CC5 Shotgun Ammo = ECB70B41 SMG Ammo = ED050B8F Sniper Ammo = EDA80C32 Active Bubble Shield = E67304FD Active Gravity Lift = E7970621 Active Cover = E73A05C4 Active Trip Mine = E6BB0545 Active Flare = E7EB0675 Active Regenerator = E82506AF Active Power Drain = E6ED0577 Active Jammer = F34B11D5 Frag Grenade = E4890313 Plasma Grenade = E2E90173 Spike Grenade = E4C90353 Firebomb Grenade = E4C90353 Mach = Radar bar = F0390EC3 Proj = Trip Mine FX = E6C90553 Ghost Bolt = F1280FB2 Spike Grenade = F73C14F2 Spike Grenade (Spike) = E5090393 Fire Grenade = F74D1572 Fire Grenade (Primary Impact) = F7591584 Fire Grenade (Secondary Impact) = F761158C Frag Grenade = F7170763 Plasma Grenade = F7260CE2 Mauler Shot = EB4009CA Magnum Bullet = E93507BF Needle = E9BD0847 Plasma Bolt = EA960920 Plasma Bolt Charged = EAA90933 Assault Rifle Bullet = EBE60A70 Battle Rifle Bullet = EC230AAD Beam Rifle Bolt = F2F91183 Carbine Slug = F21710A1 Plasma Rifle Bolt = EC630AED Shotgun Slug = ECC10B4B SMG Bullet = ED0C0B96 Sniper Bullet = EDB40C3E Spike Shard = EDFA0C84 Flak Bolt = EFB30E3D Rocket = EE5C0CE6 Spartan Lazer = EED60D60 Spartan LAZER POINTER!!! = EEC30D4D Brute Shot Grenade = EF560DE0 Sentinel Beam = F33511BF Flamethrower Stream = F01D0EA7 Scen = Sky = E17F0009 Cell tower = E28E0118 Cell tower simple = E28E0118 Wind Cups = E2B70141 Windsock = E2C0014A Locker = E2CF0159 Core Shelf = E2AA0134 Locker Closed = E2CF0159 Editor Gizmo = FF661A99 Sky = Lockout Sky = F6EC1576 Vehicles = Soccer Ball = F56A13F4 Ghost = F07D0F07 Mongoose = F14A0FD4 Machine Gun Turret = F23A10C4 Plasma Cannon Turret = F290111A Wall = Wall I = F6991523 Wall M = F69D1527 Wall XI = F6A1152B Wall XXI = F6A5152F Wall XXXI = F6A91533 Box I = F684150E Box M = F6891513 Box XI = F68D1517 Box XXI = F691151B Box XXXI = F695151F Weapon = Energy Sword = EB6609F0 Energy Capsule = EBA50A2F Gravity Hammer = EF770E01 Mauler = EB2909B3 Needler = E96607F0 Magnum = E83C06C6 Plasma Pistol = E9F2087C Assault Rifle = EBB30A3D Battle Rifle = EC020A8C Beam Rifle = F2D2115C Carbine = F1EE1078 Plasma Rifle = EC3C0AC6 Shotgun = EC920B1C SMG = ECE40B6E Sniper Rifle = ED270BB1 Spiker = EDDD0C67 Flak Cannon = EF970E21 Rocket Launcher = EE1A0CA4 Spartan Lazer = EE950D1F Brute Shot = EF1E0DA8 Sentinel Beam = F315119F Flamethrower = EFE90E73 Turret (not on tripod) = F25A10E4 Turret (on tripod) = F28C1116 Plasma Turret (not on tripod) = F2B3113D Plasma Turret (on tripod) = F2CF1159 Flag = F5C91453 Ball = F62F14B9 Bomb = F5FD1487 Cold storage Bloc = Large Dangler Vine = F4FA1384 Small Dangler Vine = F5091393 Invisible = Wall I = F52313AD Wall M = F52713B1 Wall XI = F52B13B5 Wall XXI = F52F13B9 Wall XXXI = F53313BD Box I = F50E1398 Box M = F513139D Box XI = F51713A1 Box XXI = F51B13A5 Box XXXI = F51F13A9 Crea = Small Flood = E512039C Hunter Flood = F54F13D9 Esfc = Bubbles = EEE30D6D Mist = EEEC0D76 Eqip = Active Bubble Shield = E3780202 Active Gravity Lift = E73705C1 Active Cover = F32F11B9 Invinciblity = E47402FE Active Jammer = E4A0032A Active Power Drain = E4DC0366 Active Regenerator = E3E1026B Active Flare = E4F5037F Active Trip Mine = F30F1199 Battle Rifle Ammo = EB970A21 Needler Ammo = EA1B08A5 Pistol Ammo = E99F0829 Rocket Ammo = ED280BB2 Shotgun Ammo = EBDF0A69 SMG Ammo = EC310ABB Sniper Ammo = ECCB0B55 Frag Grenade = E84A06D4 Plasma Grenade = E87E0708 Spike Grenade = E75C05E6 Firebomb Grenade = F2F5117F Flck = Small Flood AI = F55913E3 Big popper AI = F55B13E5 Flood walls = F55A13E4 *Warning*(IF YOU SPAWN AI, THAT'S THE ONLY THING YOU CAN SPAWN, OR YOUR XBOX WILL FREEZE)*Warning* Scen = Big Flood Form = E55B03E5 Flood bubble = E1EE0078 Vehi = Big Monitor = E57D0407 Weap = MonDefender/Invisible Gun = E70B0595 Construct Bloc = Gold Lift = F5A3142D Purple Lift = F5AF1439 Small Computer = F41F12A9 Cubed Invisible Barrier = F5C91453 Crea = Large Sentinel = F62F14B9 Small Sentinel = F60F1499 Proj = Invisible Explosion = F294111E Scen = Sky/Water = E17F0009 Waterfall = E22800B2 Nothing = E17C0007 Epitaph Bipd = Elite = FA571885 Master Chief = F8B416E2 Monitor = FB671995 Dino Bird = F52313AD Scen = Sky = E17F0009 Hologram 1= E26A00F4 Hologram 2 = E2870111 Hologram 3 = E28D0117 Foundry Bipd = Elite = FF411D6D Master Chief = FD971BC3 Monitor = 80521E7D Bloc = Warehouse door = F64A14D4 Eqip = Active Bubble Shield = EAF80982 Active Trip Mine = EB3109BB Active Flare = EC230AAD Active Power Drain = EB6009EA Active Jammer = F5A71431 Active Gravity Lift = EBDB0A65 Active Cover = EB920A1C Active Regenerator = F58B1415 Battle Rifle Ammo = EF420DCC Needler Ammo = ED4C0BD6 Pistol Ammo = ECD20B5C Rocket Ammo = F0F50F7F Shotgun Ammo = EFD70E61 SMG Ammo = F0200EAA Sniper Ammo = F06C0EF6 Frag Grenade = E9FB0885 Plasma Grenade = E98E0818 Spike Grenade = EA2308AD Firebomb Grenade = EC3D0AC7 Invisible = Box I = F9C5184F Box M = F9CA1854 Box XI = F9CE1858 Box XXI = F9D2185C Box XXXI = F9D61860 Wall I = F9DA1864 Wall M = F9DE1868 Wall XI = F9E2186C Wall XXI = F9E61870 Wall XXXI = F9EA1874 Mach = Fan 1 = F2D5115F Fan 2 = F2CD1157 Door 1 = F2AC1136 Door 2 = F2BF1149 Door 3 = F2AE1138 Small Door = E24300CD Scen = Sky = E17F0009 Door Host = E24300CD God Rays Short = E26E00F8 Gods Rays Long = E26400EE Yellow Light = E27100FB Skya = Warehouse Sky = FA3918C3 Ghost town Bipd = Elite = FB261956 Master Chief = F96F179F Monitor = FC321A62 Bloc = Bush = F53413BE Palm Tree = F53E13C8 Sapling Tree = F54913D3 Efsc = Bug Swarm = F0D50F5F Eqip = Scen = Sky = E181000B God Ray Small = E24A00D4 God Ray Large = E21A00A4 Guardian Bloc = Gold Lifts = F4781302 Shield Doors = F4E3136D Small Holograms 1 = F4B91343 Small Holograms 2 = F4C71351 Small Holograms 3 = F4CD1357 Small Holograms 4 = F4D2135C Small Holograms 5 = F4D61360 Small Holograms 6 = F4DA1364 Man Cannon 1 = F493131D Man Cannon 2 = F4871311 Mini Lift = F49A1324 Nothing = F4981322 Long Vines = F4EA1374 Dead Dino Bird = F54F13D9 Efsc = Not Working Gold Lift's = F1570FE1 Not Working Mancannon = F1610FEB Eqip = Active Bubble Shield = E96607F0 Active Trip Mine = E9A70831 Active Power Drain = E9D60860 Active Flare = EA9A0924 Active Cover = EA080892 Active Jammer = F24F10D9 Active Regenerator = F23310BD Active Gravity Lift = EA5408DE Battle Rifle Ammo = EC320ABC Needler Ammo = EEA00D2A Pistol Ammo = EE430CCD Rocket Ammo = F08C0F16 Shotgun Ammo = ED320BBC SMG Ammo = ED800C0A Sniper Ammo = F0380EC2 Frag Grenade = E86506EF Plasma Grenade = E7CA0654 Spike Grenade = E88E0718 Firebomb Grenade = EAB4093E Crea = Alive Glow Bugs = F56A13F4 Alive Dino Birds = F54113CB Alive Glow Flys = F57413FE Scen = Fog and Trees = E181000B Pulsing Flat Hologram = E22700B1 The Ark Hologram = E23000BA Huge Ring Hologram = E24100CB Huge Galaxy Hologram = E211009B Purple Square Hologram = E27D0107 Small Sphere Hologram = E25200DC Vehi = Shade Turrets = E55303DD[/color] High Ground Bloc = Large Cardboard Box Open = FA3118BB Cardboard Box Medium = FA3618C0 Cardboard Box Medium B = FA3B18C5 Cardboard Box Small = FA1918A3 Dead Small Fish = FAAE1938 Nothing = FA4518CF Swinging Fence = F9FF1889 Swinging Fence 2 = FA4B18D5 Nothing = FA5018DA Trap Door = F9F0187A Crea = Small Fish = FAA0192A Eqip = Active Bubble Shield = EE4B0CD5 Active Trip Mine = EE1D0CA7 Active Power Drain = EF100D9A Active Flare = F6DD1567 Active Regenerator = F6C1154B Active Gravity Lift = EED70D61 Active Cover = EF7A0E04 Active Jammer = EFB90E43 Battle Rifle Ammo = E55903E3 Needler Ammo = F0050E8F Pistol Ammo = E74805D2 Rocket Ammo = E7870611 Shotgun Ammo = E86C06F6 SMG Ammo = E8BA0744 Sniper Ammo = E95407DE Frag Grenade = EDBC0C46 Plasma Grenade = EF480DD2 Spike Grenade = EE790D03 Firebomb Grenade = F6A1152B Mach = Switch Lever = F25510DF Un-lockable Large Gate = F25C10E6 Scen = Mountains and Water = E181000B Warthog Drop Palette = E22D00B7 Mongoose Drop Palette = E23E00C8 Weap = Nothing = ECD90B63 Isolation Bloc = Lift = F70D1597 Da-vinci Code Wall = F6FC1586 Lift = F715159F Efsc = Gravity Lift = F1E5106F Eqip = Invincibility = E4A2032C Permanent Gravity Lift = F5FC1486 Mach = Huge Donut with Small Donut = F1CF1059 Huge Donut with 2 Small Donuts = F1E4106E Crea = Small Floods = E54003CA Large Sentinels = F76715F1 Small Sentinels = F795161F Scen = Sky = E181000B Flood Bubbles = E21E00A8 Nothing = F6DD1567 Last Resort Bloc = Dead Seagull = FA2318AD Breakable Swinging Window = F9871811 Small Single Barrier = F9AE1838 Large Bush = F9C61850 Hanging Lights = F99A1824 Main Breakable Bridge = F93417BE Small Bush = F9B61840 Small Palm Tree = F9C1184B Crea = Alive Seagull = FA15189F Mach = Main Spinning Wheel = F42812B2 Large Gate = F43B12C5 Single Large Ramp Barracade = F41D12A7 Scen = Water and Hills = E181000B Single Small Light = E25D00E7 Nothing = E1F70081 Nothing = E23800C2 Narrows Bipd = Elite = FC0E1A39 Master Chief = FA64188F Monitor = FD1E1B49 Bloc = Man Cannon = F54013CA Man Cannon Effect = F1420FCC Icicle 18 inch = E31C01A6 Icicle 24 inch = E303018D Scen = Sky = E17F0009 Water Fall Base = E32D01B7 Vehi = Shade Turret=E34B01D5 Rat's nest Bipd = Elite = FD971BBD Master Chief = FBED1A13 Monitor = FEA51CCB Low Graphics = Pelican = F83616C0 Hornet = F85816E2 Scen = Sky = E17F0009 Sand Bag Wall = E23700C1 Pelican = E24C00D6 Sandtrap Bloc = Lifts = F9CD1857 Small Barricade = F9D71861 Crowbar/Pink Cane = FA12189C Efsc = Dust Effect from Lifts = F5FF1489 Mach = Green Square = F5EB1475 Proj = Guardian Mine Explosion = EDBA0C44 Guardian Mine Explosion Effect = EDB80C42 Scen = Phantom Back Piece Large Bottom = E24300CD Phantom Back Piece Large Top = E2E4016E Phantom Back Piece Medium = E2E90173 Phantom Back Piece Small = E2EE0178 Phantom Bottom Piece = E2F3017D Phantom Flat Piece Left = E2F80182 Phantom Flat Piece Right = E2FD0187 Phantom Front Piece = E302018C Phantom Side Piece Left = E3070191 Phantom Side Piece Right = E30C0196 Mongoose drop Pallete = E213009D Warthog drop Pallete = E202008C Clouds and Dust = E17F0009 Solid Frigate = E23E00C8 Frigate that is not Solid = E2C5014F Flashing Light Pole = E2B60140 Respawn Point = E1C90053 Sandbag Detail 1 = E22F00B9 Sandbag Detail 2 = E23400BE Sandbag Wall = E21800A2 Sandbag Wall 45 corner = E22A00B4 Sandbag Wall 90 corner = E23900C3 Sandbag Wall End Cap = E22500AF Sky = Nothing = FA5018DA Vehi = Elephant = E311019B The Da-Vinci Egg = EDAC0C36 Weap = Nothing = EDB70C41 Snowbound Bloc = Watch Tower Base = F64414CE Watch Tower Pod = F7091593 Watch Tower Pod with Turrets = F73D15C7 Mach = Guardian Turrets = F30A1194 Scen = Mountains and Planets = E17F0009 Small Monitor Guardian next to Turrets = E1F4007E 06 inch icicle = E25100DB 10 inch icicle = E284010E 18 inch icicle = E2890113 24 inch icicle = E2A80132 Vehi = Shade Turrets = E66104EB Standoff Bipd = Elite = 803F1E5E Master Chief = FE941CB4 Monitor = 814F1F6E Crea = Bird Guira = FB0B1995 Small Yellow Bird = FAFB1985 Lights = Blue = F1E0106A Red Blinking = F1DC1066 Red = F1D2105C White = F1E3106D Mach = Button = F184100E Sign = F1A1102B Shutters = F1761000 Blue Base Shutters = FADB1965 Tunnel door = F1690FF3 Scen = Sky = E17F0009 Sky = E181000B Satellite Dish = E27200FC Satellite Dish No Sound = E2CF0159 Sand bag wall turret = E26500EF Sand bag wall = E23700C1 sandbag wall 45 corner = E24400CE Bulb Flicker = E292011C Industrial vent large = E284010E Dam Fuse Box Guard = E26500EF Dam Generator Bulky = E2760100 Weap = Halo 2 Sword = ECA80B32 Flag = F6F81582 Bomb = F72C15B6 Skull = F75E15E8 Flamethrower = F42112AB Missle Pod = F12E0FB8 The Pit Bipd = Spartan = FC0D1A3A Elite = FDB71BE4 Monitor = FEC81CF5 Bloc = Dead Large Blue Birds = F83E16C8 Dead Small Blue and White Birds = F85216DC Dead Large Brown Birds = F86D16F7 Dead Large Brown Birds Left Wing = F86816F2 Dead Large Brown Birds Right Wing = F86216EC Dead Small Blue Birds = F87B1705 Dead Small Yellow Birds = F88A1714 Invisible Camera = F7B2163C Lift = F7A81632 Monitor Back = FEF81D25 Monitor Front = FEFD1D2A Monitor Eye = FF021D2F Monitor Shell = FF071D34 Metal Box = F4B91343 File Cabinet Tall = F7781602 File Cabinet Small = F784160E Computer Monitor = F76C15F6 Hanging Phone Box = F74315CD Handset = F75815E2 Keypad = F7A81632 Chair = F7891613 Crea = Large Blue Birds = F82E16B8 Small Blue and White Birds = F84816D2 Large Brown Birds = F85916E3 Small Blue Birds = F87316FD Small Yellow Birds = F881170B Eqip = Radar Jammer (Active)= ECC60B50 Power Drain (Active)= EC200AAA Regenerator (Active)= ECA90B33 Bubbleshield (Active)= EB4009CA Gravlift (Active)= F41912A3 Instant Cover (Active)= F45C12E6 Flare (Active)= F43612C0 Tripmine (Active)= EC730AFD Needler Ammo = EDD40C5E Pistol Ammo = ED590BE3 Rocket Ammo = F17E1008 Shotgun Ammo = F05B0EE5 BR Ammo = EFC90E53 SMG Ammo = F0A40F2E Sniper Ammo = F0F00F7A Bubbleshield: EB11099B Gravlift: F40C1296 Gravlift (Perm) = F64B14D5 Instant Cover = F44F12D9 Radar Jammer = ECC00B4A Power Drain = EC160AA0 Regenerator = EC980B22 Flare = F43012BA Tripmine = EC6B0AF5 Camo = EC440ACE Overshield = EC550ADF Custom Powerup = EC640AEE Frag Grenade = EAE90973 Plasma Grenade = EA7C0906 Spike Grenade = EB7009FA Firebomb Grenade = F3FD1287 Efsc = Smokey Air Effect = F37A1204 Mach = Brute Target = F34711D1 Jackel Target = F35E11E8 Fans = F33311BD Scen = Mountains and Mud = E17F0009 Mirror and Small Sink = E2F4017E Monitor for Invisible Camera = E491031B Small Speaker = E310019A Shelf = E300018A Large Monitor Screen = E2D60160 Small Monitor Screen = E2EF0179 Small Security Camera = E26700F1 Pelican = E31901A3 Non-Drivable Hornet = E32D01B7 Pelican Parked = E24C00D6 Sky= F8AF1739 Proj = Ghost Bolt = E9C0084A Chaingun Bullet = E56803F2 Gauss Bullet = E78E0618 Firebomb Primary = F91D174A Spiker Shot = EEF70D81 Pistol = ED660BF0 Needler = EDE60C70 Plasma Pistol Shot = EE9A0D24 Plasma Pistol Charged Shot = EEAC0D36 AR Bullet = EF960E20 BR Bullet = EFD00E5A Beam Rifle Beam = F3B0123A Plasma Rifle Bolt = F00C0E96 Shotgun Bullet = F0650EEF SMG Bullet = F0AB0F35 Sniper Bullet = F0FC0F86 Rocket Launcher Rocket = F193101D Spartan Laser Beam = F205108F Brute Shot Grenade = F25A10E4 Sentinal Beam = F3EE1278 Flamethrower Stream = F31811A2 Machine Gun Turret Bullet = EA7008FA Vehi = Small Security Camera = E87F0709 Troop hog = E82D06B7 Warthog = E49E0328 Weap = Sword = EF1D0DA7 Hammer = F27B1105 Magnum = ECD30B5D Needler = ED8E0C18 Plasma Pistol = EE110C9B Assault Rifle = EF650DEF Battle Rifle = EFAF0E39 Beam Rifle = F3891213 Plasma Rifle = EFE80E72 Shotgun = F0360EC0 SMG = F0830F0D Snper Rifle = F0C60F50 Spiker = F1200FAA Rocket Launcher = F15D0FE7 Small Security Camera = E912079C Needler ammo = EDD40C5E Halo 2 Sword = EF570DE1 Flag = F6761500 Skull = F6DC1566 Bomb = F6AA1534 Valhalla Bloc = Man Cannons = F84C16D6 Short Man Cannons = F85916E3 Large Pine Tree = F8A91733 Small Pine Tree = F88B1715 Small Pine Tree = F8A4172E Small Cubed Invisible Barrier = F8AE1738 Small Dead Fish = F91917A3 Crea = Blue Butterfly's = F8F71781 Yellow Butterfly's = F901178B Orange Butterfly's = F9071791 Small Alive Fish = F90B1795 Proj = Nothing = E9E4086E Blue Light Orb = E9E60870 Invisible Explosion = F25710E1 Scen = Large Man Cannon Force = E9F80882 Small Man Cannon Force = EA2708B1 Blue Tower Pulse Shot = E9DB0865 Mongoose Drop Pallete = EA2208AC Warthog Drop Pallete = EA12089C Large Water Splash = EA2908B3 Large Water Rushing = EA3808C2 Small Water Rushing = EA3608C0 Mountains = E181000B Nothing = E17C0007 Tag List.txt
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