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Everything posted by BABERUTH100

  1. Really im about to cry because this site is like god and peaches is god but oh wait what is this salty discharge omg! jk but seriously We are all gonna miss you on halo 3 because we will all have one less magical pony that gallops next to our warthog but not ghost because they are gay. Plus we could get that guy back im just sayin think of how many users we have we could get him banned in no time. Oh and my dog is sad too her name is misty.
  2. Dude that sucks I hope she gets better.
  3. see some people like it and some dont so its ok i guess but you know Ill take it 4 a while.
  4. Yeah but see I do a lot of crap with my friends and stuff and I really only have time at night because of curfew so I'm normally tired and stuff so I don't really spend that much time.
  5. yeah snowmon its like a thing that goes really close to my heart and records it so if I pass out they know what it is.
  6. Many of you may or may not know me but I have had surgery before and I know alot of people got all worried but yeah it happening again. Well my baseball season is over and Its about time to have surgery to remove the thing that they put into me I'm guessing its going to happen by the end of the summer because the battery just died on it and I was suppost to have it removed before baseball but surgery got delayed to much and had to be canceled because of baseball. So yay! I hope I have to get it removed during the school year because then I get to miss like an entire week of school. Thanks 4 reading and I hope you guys will have fun well they remove the thing.
  7. well im not very good but I like it I know what your saying but those r the best renders I could get I think if I found a new darker hellboy render it would look for the left side it would be better but for now I'm just gonna stick with it until I get bored again.
  8. Well Holy Crap Ill try and make a better 1 but I think its ok better then some of my other ones on the old board.
  9. http://xs229.xs.to/xs229/08295/baberuth100ty526.png Ok well I don't make that many sigs but I think this is one of my better ones.
  10. BABERUTH100


    I'm baberuth100 your fellow modder leader of the pink team and a bit of a gfx maker! So Hi i like gears of war and if you try and kill me you will feal the rath of my shotgun
  11. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/244-516.png How does this look? is it bad?
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