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gruntmods last won the day on November 2 2014

gruntmods had the most liked content!

About gruntmods

  • Birthday 11/30/1993

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Commander Grade 2

Commander Grade 2 (28/44)



  1. "gruntl0rd6" is mine
  2. You have to fix your sig 2243
  3. gruntmods

    It was fun.

    Still glad to have had so much fun here.
  4. it continues
  5. I'm still up for bringing the site back
  6. Finally updated my site and made a page for this: http://gruntmods.com/?page_id=358
  7. http://www.branchdesign.com/monctonpixels/P1150683_2227.jpg
  8. gruntmods

    It was fun.

    The difference is we have almost no traffic lol. And its too depressing to poke fun at this site.
  9. A quick status update, we now have a launcher programmed that will post news updates related to the game as well as allow you to update to the newest version with the click of a button. There have also been numerous changes made to the base game, namely: -Added the first mission of the expansion "Rise of the Mercenaries", a thrilling campaign consisting of 3 missions told through the eyes of a mercenary commander. -Adds new menus to support additional missions, including custom mission briefings and an option to load the campaign from the house select screen. -Does not replace any existing files, making it 100% compatible with the original game -String file entries are unique and also do not replace any existing game data -Added button to select a difficulty when using the Mission Select, this will allow you to play a loaded mission on the difficulty of your choosing (default was Normal) -Added instruction manual written by Gruntmods Studios, completely written from scratch for this version of the game-Added preview of the new Custom Campagin Creation Tutorial that will be provided with the finished version of the Rise of the Mercenaries expansion.-Removed "Menu Editor" and "User Interface Table Editor" folders in D2K+, and added "Table Editor (UIB) folder" since the one tool now works on all UIB files.-Fixed version number displayed in menu to be accurate As always, you should update to the latest version for optimal gameplay experience, you can get the latest patche notes and downloads here: http://www.gruntmods.com/Projects/Downloads/Dune_2000/Dune%20Blog/patchnotes.html
  10. gruntmods

    It was fun.

    Honestly I can never find anything worth reading on 7S, its even worse now then in the halo 3 days.
  11. Not at this time, the only way I could include it is to have it preset to a certain resolution that everyone can run, like 1024x768.
  12. gruntmods

    It was fun.

    This thread is from 2011? Oh god, the memories. I hope this site never goes down, even if it is inactive.
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