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XXlMODDERlXX's Achievements

Corporal Grade 1

Corporal Grade 1 (6/44)




    hey :D

    lol i havent been here for some time i thought i would come around and say hi to the old people that i use to know if they still remember me ps: i wish my post count wasnt reset
  2. i luled a little
  3. just curious
  4. thanks guys make me a little..
  5. yes i made this video..i dont have a legit copy of garrys mod so i had to make this video my self, [youtube:2136ovjz]v4mr7RCl30Q[/youtube:2136ovjz]
  6. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20231-372.jpg use this render please and make me something awsome tell me if you cant use that render all find a new one
  7. no... i feel depressed now
  8. wish i still had live
  9. yes your correct it was just switched to vBulletin and needs more members and runescape sucks but not its private servers
  10. ok sorry guys but i need to post this website at a website for advertisment...and yes its probably not aloud at ibotmodz but i have to have proof i posted the website thanks and its a good site for Rune Scape private servering and just to relax and chat what ever else is in the forums!Remember you dont have to join if you dont want to, Removed
  11. ffs i get out on the 19th..
  12. i know with gas prices these days all probably get rid of it
  13. hes got the time to do it...
  14. ok heres a awsome picture of me! yes i do skate rofl soz the pics so big http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19250-430.jpg and heres my baby... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19250-431.jpg isnt she sweet?
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