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xxI Plazma Ixx

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Everything posted by xxI Plazma Ixx

  1. thanks any ways then
  2. is it possible to download halo 3 in a torrent, mod it then put it on a disc and hotswap? basically the same thing you do with cod waw but with out the jtag
  3. my computer crashed cause of that and ur right never dl the microsoft point generator i had to buy a new computer
  4. right click and press run as administrator
  5. xxI Plazma Ixx


    Ok i miss halo2 so much i was wondering if any bodyelse was missing it if u do ive got a plan to stop bungie from putting halo3 on live we can mod it so much and tell bungie that we will mod it even more unless they stop halo3 from live leave a comment if u think so or if ur willing to help me.
  6. I will resign maps for any1 on live so send them to me and ill resign them and giv them back
  7. No1 is going to know the resigner i dont want it to get in to the wrong hands I am the one who found it not peaches if u do hav the resigner there are way to many problems when you resign it i have fixed it i am not giving it to the community.My xbl name is MODDERSxFUZ3 or Winged Gernade but dont really play with winged gernade.
  8. if u have figure out wat the resigner is do not use it use it to much and ur computer will crash but i have fixed it
  9. I need a tester but some1 whos loyal and wont give it to idiots
  10. Ok idont know when the mappack will be out.but every new map exept tombstone.theres gonna be a lota fun stuff.
  11. No_Barriers_OBJ.rarNo_Barriers_OBJ.rarTo delete the invisible barriers download this here then when u have it open the "sbspcollisiontools(6)" then go to file open then open the map you want no barriers on then click inject and go to the folder you download when ur there you should see the map name u want to put no barriers on then "obj" double click it should say amount of verts map has .... then amount of verts obj file has .... then click ok.Then it should say complete click ok.Resighn it then ftp then ur done and p.s.dont go on halo3 remember the old times on halo2 it WAS fun... <!-- s:cry: --><!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: --><!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: --><!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:( --><!-- s:( -->heres the dl
  12. I still need the imageooo.iso.1 from file front
  13. The one for halo2.
  14. ok are u just copying or r u using my tut
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