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About Styrofolme

Styrofolme's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. I'm extremely curious what it will do. Somewhat excited, to be completely honest.
  2. Styrofolme


    The 3000GT VR4 will retain it's value the best. They're getting hard to find, not to mention they have 10 more horsepower than the 300zx. Plus all wheel steering. And AWD is awesome. Don't plan on drifting. All the real car guys laugh at it.
  3. Stee-raw fall-mee but it is to never be spoken aloud.
  4. Peggle is digital crack. and there is nothing wrong with it, I guess. I mean, a game is a game is a game. I just didn't know people really went for the leaderboards. I get enough "no life" crap from playing hard and making it to almost the last level... Row row, fight the powah!
  5. Khaos is pretty cool guy. He masters khaos and doesn't afraid of anything.
  6. I may use this in the near future. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you, good sir.
  7. Styrofolme


    Need more details about the packages on the cars. 300zx if it's 90+ and twin turbo. then Camaro if it's a Z28 or a Supersport with low milage and post 90. then 3000gt if it's VR4 then RX-7 then 240 etc...
  8. I might just buy it anyway. I like to collect cds and support the artists. If they're signed corporate, then I'll pirate. But if they're indie, like mc, I'll probably eventually buy their cd.
  9. no. He released a new one a couple days ago. It's called Part One Part Six. Check it out on Myspace. I have all of the other albums. I think they're going to be hard to compete with though. I'm not really expecting much from his new album, but I'm really glad he's still active.
  10. I use Firefox on my pcs. I like the fact they allow you to customize and they are a non-profit organization. I use Opera Mini on my BlackBerry. Better than the default browser. Plus, it's actually really nice. I use IE at the computers at school. They blocked all Mozilla products because it's too easy to delete browsing history. It's really frustrating. IE crashes on me all the time. Especially when I actually need it to do schoolwork.
  11. People play Guitar Hero competitively? What's next. Peggle Tournaments? Glad you have a sense of accomplishment though.
  12. In before half-baked political arguement. And everyone secretly wants a zombie holocaust.
  13. Anyone heard the new album yet? I'm thinking very seriously about ordering it. Think it's worth the 10 bucks?
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