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Everything posted by Lakar

  1. You should include pictures, so people can really know what they look like instead of just details of em. -Lakar
  2. Lakar


    If you are talking about converting a Xbox 360 to a dev kit. That isn't possible. And you have to buy one... -Lakar
  3. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  4. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  5. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  6. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  7. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  8. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  9. is playing Skate 2 on his XDK.
  10. Just imagine how gay your avatar would look with blue skin color xD. Either way, cool find. -Lakar
  11. Wow... this is an intense picture xD. Did you just randomly think of this out of no where? Anyways, I am going to do this for fun haha, thanks. -Lakar
  12. I will take that challenge and see . I will take pictures for you guys, and you can compare. -Lakar
  13. That was fun doing that with Rogue xD. Good stuff. We should do that on other maps once I get this stuff done. -Lakar
  14. Lakar

    Demonic Creek

    I am really enjoying this map, but I don't like how it is VERY VERY dark. I like it when it is dark, but I could barely see the pictures of the map xD. -Lakar
  15. I would suggest http://www.xbox360iso.com/, it isn't that hard to flash your drive, there are many tutorials you can go to do it. -Lakar
  16. Very sick video, I love it when people are just god with the sniper xD. -Lakar
  17. Lakar

    Course mod

    I always love a good race map . I was going to make one like it, but we got side tracked and started building a house xD. -Lakar
  18. This doesn't really have much to offer... I mean lifts aren't that. Random map 2/10. -Lakar
  19. Yeah, but only REAL developers can get to that site, unless you know one willing to share with you. -Lakar
  20. They both do the same thing overall, just different ways of writing them. -Lakar
  21. (C#)Navigate To URL This code will allow your text box to be used as a navigate to URL bar, this will work with a web browser placed on your program. Note : To get this to navigate to a URL, you will need to make a Go button to activate this code. (Go to bottom of thread to see code for this button) public void NavigateToUrl() { Uri URL = default(Uri); try { URL = new Uri(textboxname.Text); } catch { try { URL = new Uri("http://www." + textboxname.Text); } catch { return; } } if ((URL.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns) | (URL.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.IPv4)) { webbrowsername..Navigate(textboxname.Text); } else { string Host = URL.Host; Host = "http://www." + Host; try { webbrowsername.Navigate(Host); } catch { } } } Go Button Code private void gobutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProgressBar1.Value < 100) { ProgressBar1.Value = 0; } NavigateToUrl(); if (ProgressBar1.Value < 100) { ProgressBar1.Value += 25; } } Enjoy -Lakar
  22. If you are trying to execute a .exe file. All you have to do is Process.Start("C:\\example\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\example\\example.exe"); Note : This will not work without "using System.Diagnostics;", if you don't have this in your form, it will not recognize Process. -Lakar
  23. Xport360 is very very buggy and you should probably move onto Xplorer. Xport seems to sometimes not show all your partitions, it gets errors when opening partitions as well. I would suggest just going to Xplorer, a lot more efficient. -Lakar
  24. This doesn't make much sense, are you trying to search a hex address in the kv.bin or are you trying to use the kv.bin? -Lakar
  25. Lakar

    Dev Mod

    This would be a easy to beat the missions wouldn't it xD. Cool mod. -Lakar
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