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About bungi

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Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. bungi

    Dev Mods

    hey Quickkill0 could u relese a vid of this not a you tube vid but a halo 3 vid, that would prove 2 every1, plus it would look cool!=-)
  2. cool but can we download it?
  3. so what r we doing anyway r we modding, or just fighting each other?
  4. lol i dont rely get that pic, but good luck on ur plan lol
  5. ok sounds cool lol, my gamertag is fredrick37
  6. uh what does it do?
  7. wow this is sweet
  8. wow that looks cool thx bot!
  9. dude this is so sick im rely considering getting this u got aim so i can tlk 2 u about this?
  10. dude sry i have nothing against u rely, i didnt mean 2 put it like that, im just angry anbout the con resigner, and i ment like how will we use it, it does seem rely cool i just wish the resigner still worked
  11. its sounds great but whats the point? if there is not KV for the reisgner whats the point of this?
  12. dude this is so old everyone nos about this
  13. lol im too lazy but i have a vid on my fileshare of me saving johnson on a mongoos
  14. ya u can get him in the warthog its hard though, dont believe me just look at my screenshots on bungie.net lol i even got him by a mongoos
  15. what im not halo 3!
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