Hi everyone. =) This mod isn't useful because you can't play with him, but as I say, it's cool. --- Mod: In7enden7 v2 (Me) Film/Gameplay: Itchy (gatienthe) Cannot Be Displayed
Hi guys. Do you want colors in your Map/Film description ? =) Yes ? So, this tutorial is for you. Enjoy ! An example of a result: http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/7926/sanstitreaj7.png It's not really a Green, but a Yellow greened. Step 1: Make your file. Step 2: Extract the file from your Xbox 360. Step 3: Open it with a Hex Editor. Step 5: Search and replace your text description by the color code. (Offset 0000D060) Example: <color argb=#ff76a1d3>Description</color> http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/9103/88ue7.png Step 6: Save, Rehash, Resign and upload back to Xbox. -------------------------------- (Verified) Colors codes: <color argb=#55FFFFFF>Description</color> <color argb=#ff76a1d3>Description</color> <color argb=#FFe8ea1e>Description</color> <color argb=#FFa1b375>Description</color> <color argb=#FF8692d4>Description</color> <color argb=#FFb139b5>Description</color> I think the colors possibilities are almost limitless. (Like on a web page with a .css). All the best !