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Everything posted by arise

  1. arise

    Course mod

    Sorry I'm french but otherwise yes I am very experienced at modding. I don't bored
  2. arise

    Course mod

    I create a maps mod course on sandbox http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=71055555 Pics: http://i83.servimg.com/u/f83/12/63/21/53/71056910.jpg http://i83.servimg.com/u/f83/12/63/21/53/71056911.jpg
  3. arise

    Tag mythique

    Please write tag list of mythique maps pack please but mod Hxd
  4. I do not if it is my pc but the link is dead you can give me the link would be nice thank you's. Ps: French
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