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Everything posted by BiTFoX

  1. Wow do you want 2 bet on this ok ill give a link to the beta you guys are the most stuck up people ever Link:Will Be up in 2hours 4 mins Place in a folder named :00080000 Then in another Folder named :41568832
  2. Hello every body This is BiTFoX So i wanted to say that I have officaly modded call of duty world at war BETA But There is one problem Resigning ok i have Had to manualy rehash it but that dosent help that i need to resign it i have the beta on my computer And im searching threw it trying to find some things that need to be resigned So if any one can help me Please leave a comment ill give you the beta over some website RapidShare,FileFront,Etc... or mesage me on ShotSpartins old aim Which is:shotspartin1177 Thank you For Your time and i hope we could get this finished ~BiTFoX~
  3. have you ever yoused the print screen button
  5. yo its shot your so gay haha later on you betta post the names tho NICE QUALITY hah
  6. miinaturvat kid stfu he diddent make these like i said before he got them from things and people and even if you dont believe that the rsa thing is real NO ONE CARES! theres still good programs in this so go away hes just trying to give out stuff for the halo community and No one cares About you God Damn opinion so FU*Ck OFF!
  7. It says whats updated every time at the bottom of the post
  8. V3 is up enjoy
  9. Theres noting fake on it he diddent make these he got these from people
  10. did you edit his post it says it was edited by you
  11. hey why did you release this i thought we told each other we wernt going to
  12. BiTFoX

    The Pit Bound

    it is vice versa its snowbound with pit on it
  13. BiTFoX

    The Pit Bound

    haha now just get the campaign to work and also we were gona mod it but we decided not 2 so maybe some other time
  14. BiTFoX

    The Pit Bound

    The Pit Bound ShotSpartin1177 & BiTFoX Description This map is Snowbound With the pit injected Features Snowbound usermap Pit injected no mods Bungie setup map Great for Tricking your freinds Credits BiTFoX ShotSpartin1177 Dark slipstream for Helpful programs Download_ The_Pit_Bound.zip
  15. Ok so here you go you all wanted proof well here it is The Map Bethemoth is on here but none of the mods work because its not The .map so Don't get excited Download link_ http://rapidshare.com/files/156629454/film...04887DC031.html Dosen't work went corrupt ill fix later you can lock this.
  16. this dose not work it gives me and error so please expain how to youse
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