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About way2bored4movies

way2bored4movies's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. il test =O
  2. I was playing COD 3 once and i saw a guy fly a tank for a few seconds then crash.. not really sure if it was lag or he was modding
  3. I never got to see the old VIP section =[ But on topic nice mod.
  4. Ok heres 4 of the old maps Ascension, burial mounds, lockout, and coag
  5. Il do a few of them for you but i dont feel like doing all the old maps..
  6. i bought it from that action replay site. i think its like codejunkies or something
  7. Uhhh.. Whats a hornet?
  8. Uh, well I felt like making an easy but fun mod so I guess I decided to make a mod for relic that was meant for warthog wars.. Ok Warthogs spawn around the map (About 5 of them) Warthogs dont have turrets and are golden Horn shoots out sniper Run fast, jump high I only modded 1 weapon which is the rocket launcher shoots out a nuke that comes from the sky.. Its simple but i wanted it that way.. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RWBD7O90
  9. haha the first post sounded kinda cheesy
  10. I could do it... i just dont feel like doing the fuel rod cannon part..
  11. =[ dont really know how to do that.. you know any sites like this except for a different game.. maybe call of duty or something
  12. Someone should probably sticky this..
  13. Uh. Look in the modding tuts maybe..
  14. Is there any other game you can mod with the Xsata?? I have been wondering this for a while..
  15. I think its like a command and conquer type game..
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