caboose!! dude i totally know you dont do me like this hahaha i swear we used to chat all the time?! your name is incredibly familiar, so unless there is another caboose then we were DEFINITELY BUDS. thats insane that you still mod tbh, i havent touched any modding in so long i didnt even think it was still possible! what the heck are you still modding these days?? halo??? congrats on the wife and kid as well sir
Well well well, hello to one of my first ever experiences into the online xbox modding community (and probably ONLY one..)... Popping in to say whats up to everyone, that I hope you are all doing well in these crazy ass times we are living in, and that hopefully one day we can all reunite for some gaming. This site was such an incredibly huge part of my childhood, so many fond memories and countless hours spent hanging with the crew and having the time of my life. If anyone wants to connect on discord PLEASE feel free to do so: heartach3 Anyone who sees this please drop by and leave a post! tell me whats up with you! how the hell are you?! even if its days, weeks, months from now... doesnt matter love you all ♥
DUUUUUUUDDDEEESSS!!! Some of my most amazing and closest friends that I never met. We are in fact getting old hahaha Joined the married crew, kids..... crazy to think about when we were all here I was like twelve haha! anyway dudes I still have Xbox and PS4, add me if you want! xbox: I MeLo v2 l psn: pandoramic Hope you’re all well!!â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
What’s up all my homies!! Crazy to think this baby has been here since 2007 and even before that! Hope you are all staying safe in these crazy timesâ¤ï¸
Dude things are going good! Just going to the university of utah right now and working part time, still playing some video games here and there, just living the life! What about you dude?
Holy shit man i havent seen you in ages!! This topic is bringing back so much nostalgia BTW, this is a perfect topic to show my ongoing quest for peaches love
Brought tears to my eyes as cheesy as that sounds, All of my prepubescent years were spent on this damn site, whether it was to learn how to mod my level up on halo 2 because i was just too shitty to level up myself, or start making some "Sweet sigs" in GFX with GIMP haha, This site has brought nothing but great memory, fun times, and lifelong friends from a forum that i never thought i would be a part of in such a big way. I just want to thank you Peaches, because without this website, 5 years of my life would have been lived like a normal boy instead of a 1337 hacker who stayed in doors all day hahahaha But in all seriousness man , you created an amazing, fun, and great social empire, but sadly like all empires, this one too must fall. And damnit peaches, i remember most of my time in the later years was me trying to make an epic signature gift to you that you would actually put in your signature.. Never happened, crushed my dreams many times hahaha Its been a hell of a time with all you guys, from my oldest friends, to the new kids that have joined the site, you all have my up most respect and always will. Love every single last one of you nerds <3 Love, MeLo PS: Shoutout to all the kids who have been with me since the beginning, no offense if i forget you , i still love you! Blacklabel, Nielssss, Smokiest, AModderGuy, Anarchy, Lax, Deathgrip, Snowmon. TheMasterSnail, Peaches, Legacy, Fattwam, Dying Hero, Cesar, Fatal Error . OH ALSO, I still play Xbox live quiet a lot, if you want to play with me or have a good ol chat about old times, add me GT: Sporas
Damnit, because its like perfect 1080p quality , then i try to put it into my video editing software and it ***** it up... Maybe someone else can help >.> Actually, i have an idea, here download this and use it see if it works in your sony.
Hey so i have a question about Fraps and when you put it into pinnacle or adobe premier, Once i have my recorded thing set and done, and i import it into adobe or pinnacle, it just looks like complete shit, but if i play the fraps video just in nero , it looks perfectly fine, Is there some setting that i do not have or am i missing something?