Ok, I am new to the whole modding scene, I have made a few maps, most have been tests, and this is my favorite. When you spawn, you are killed by a rocket, and there is fire around the map (unfortunately, if you spawn infront of the rocket, you cannot see the fire or rocket , at sword spawn, there is a lift to the next floor. At the regular lift after you go up, leave the building and hang a left, jump out as far as you can and you should land on a rather large invisible box. At BR tower there is an active bubble shield and needler ammo spelling out 1374, which will be my signature. And in the middle there is alot of smoke that only the host can see. Here is a pic of the smoke! Download map here
Okay, first off, for some reason, I cannot read your tutorial, also I can't figure out how to select an item to replace another with... Figured out the problem, I like the program but prefer to use HxD
Ok, I am having a problem, when I open the map and find the slot that I want, I click the slot, then the edit button, then I get a box that has 5 options : Block type, Object rotation, Respawn settings, Spawn Location, and Tag Reference, that's all, no "Edit Slot Index Entry." Please help I am getting really frustrated.
This was posted by deadcanadian, just click a link and it should say something sort of random such as "Gone fishing" on the bungie page, just go into the address bar and replace "forums/posts" with "Online/Halo3UserContentDetails" and it should work perfectly! Thanks to deadcanadian! The problem was that Bungie redid their website and moved the files around.
Okay actually it will be released fall 2009. And someone said something about being an ODST in MM, the Recon experience will not affect multiplayer, you won't play as an ODST in MM unless you wear the ODST helmet that is already available.
This is all confirmed info: Halo 3: Recon takes place just after Regret takes off into slipspace, like OP said, you play as an ODST or Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, there will be no more Master Chief, Halo 3: Recon will be released next fall my guess is around 11/--/09, the maps will be released with the game, BUT THE MAPS ARE COMING OUT SEPERATELY AROUND 1/6/09! Recon will come with a whopping 1000gs for just an expansion, it will be a disc, not DLC Mythic Maps are going to include 250 gs with them making all of Halo 3 3000gs, Mythic will be DLC originally but will probably be on a disc with Halo 3: Recon.
Bungie announced in the 10/10/08 weekly update that "the maps will be released sometime early next year, what some people call winter" Odds are, that this is the 1/6/09 that people found in "keep it clean"
There are 6 new maps: Assembly, Longshore, Heretic, Sandbox, Citadel, and Orbital. They will be released early next year, Bungie themselves said this in the 10/10/08 weekly update. They will all be MULTIPLAYER. Bungie is making a campaign extention to be released NEXT FALL as in November 2009, called Halo 3: Recon, in which you will play as an ODST or an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, NOT MASTER CHIEF BUNGIE IS DONE WITH HIM. Alas, no more Master Chief games Even more achievements will be released with the mythic maps 250gs to be exact, and 1000 gs for Halo 3: Recon, bringing the total to a whopping 3000gs! (By the way, Halo 3: Recon takes place just after Regret goes into hyperspace and destroys New Mombassa and you will not have Recon armor! It is dubbed recon I THINK because you are spare troops.) P.S. Sorry for the Wall of Text