Sorry guys I wont be doing the $2 a video thing anymore. If you would like a video made of your mod please refer to Quikkill0's video service thread. I will be helping him with that. This is what it looks like changing the trip mines projectile to the elephant Download
Clean Main Menu The Halo 3 Main Menu looks a lot nicer without the blue filter!
Id just like to point out that tag lists are obsolete, both Forge and Sandbox list every usable tag already. Sandbox even goes a step further and allows you to give a tag a custom name and description that will be used for that tag every time it appears in a usermap
Please take my name out of the credits... this is a completely useless application and I had nothing to do with its creation. I don't understand why people insist on making all in one apps. If you want to help the community do something useful, combining a bunch of other peoples programs into some horrible gui with your name plastered all over it doesn't help anyone...