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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. no offense but the people dont know how to access these, they probably dont care enough to snoop around and find them.
  2. yeah, i thought i had played t2 and cbn carbon, turns out they were remakes by immature kids with the slightest errors.
  3. i like the mod, very funny to do with friends who dont know about it than you hit them with a crate. anyways yeah i found this on this site on another post so yes it is already on this site. but still awesome
  4. man, my one month ended so i cant join, but if anyone were to give me a 48 hour trial, i would totally be in. oh and decaturs over my house and told you add him....XLLGX Decatur im gonna go see if theres anymore one months on my box.
  5. how long did it take you to compile these, and if there all from the same site please give credit but other than that, fantastic job, very entertaining.
  6. this is my friends, but i assume it looked a little like this? http://www.gamevee.com/viewVideo/Halo_3/Ge...rkill_hs/971576 hes actually a member here but has been suspended D,=
  7. i like it even though it looks painful @.@
  8. okay, sounds good. sorry if this looks like spam
  9. I have two questions 1) How will one achieve V.I.P. with the new host? will it be a vote in or post limit 2) Will those who already are V.I.P. remain V.I.P.?
  10. what is your mlg rank cause i agree with dcatur (or howerver its spelled) i really doubt it was them. and im also pretty sure ogre1 and ogre2 are inseperable.
  11. ummm you have too many custom objects, delete a few maps/gametypes/clips and it will record.
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