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Everything posted by Chotton

  1. Chotton

    Zombie mod

    I can't click the items without view all.
  2. Chotton

    Zombie mod

  3. Chotton

    Zombie mod

    Okay well I've been trying to get my version to work but for some reason its kinda difficult because I can't see half the boxes in Entity's BSP viewer, is there a way to make everything visible?
  4. Is XPort 360 a program or do you mean XPORT for my XBOX? Because I'm not spending another 50 dollars just to do this. Unless I can return my XSATA but I'd rather fix it.
  5. I can't find any drivers that will install! I tried the Xbox360MUDrivers but they don't work, they aren't compatible
  6. I'm running windows XP, everything's hooked up right. The XSATA isn't recognized, and when I try to open my HDD I get this error: Could not find a FATX Drive to open. Standard 20GB harddrive
  7. Chotton

    Zombie mod

    I would like a zombie map, made for zombie, nothing over-the-top. This request is for turf. Examples: 1) No super-fast running 2) No super-jumping (remove the bounces if possible) 3) ABSOLUTELY NO AUTO AIM 4) No fully-automatic weapons. Things I would like: 1- Changed player spawn (have about 10 different spots) 2- Have all weapons moved to the center of the map, where the warthog spawns. 3- Have a barricade around where the weapons are (no spawns inside this base) 4- Put the vehicle outside the map just in case, I don't want anybody using it. 5- Leave the barriers on, I don't want to be cheating in this game type. Just post a picture or two and a link, if you want to contact me, my gamertag is Chotton.
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