Okay well I've been trying to get my version to work but for some reason its kinda difficult because I can't see half the boxes in Entity's BSP viewer, is there a way to make everything visible?
Is XPort 360 a program or do you mean XPORT for my XBOX? Because I'm not spending another 50 dollars just to do this. Unless I can return my XSATA but I'd rather fix it.
I'm running windows XP, everything's hooked up right. The XSATA isn't recognized, and when I try to open my HDD I get this error: Could not find a FATX Drive to open. Standard 20GB harddrive
I would like a zombie map, made for zombie, nothing over-the-top. This request is for turf. Examples: 1) No super-fast running 2) No super-jumping (remove the bounces if possible) 3) ABSOLUTELY NO AUTO AIM 4) No fully-automatic weapons. Things I would like: 1- Changed player spawn (have about 10 different spots) 2- Have all weapons moved to the center of the map, where the warthog spawns. 3- Have a barricade around where the weapons are (no spawns inside this base) 4- Put the vehicle outside the map just in case, I don't want anybody using it. 5- Leave the barriers on, I don't want to be cheating in this game type. Just post a picture or two and a link, if you want to contact me, my gamertag is Chotton.