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About Guitarman314

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  1. Here is the ebay link. Laptop Heres the link to the video. Video
  2. I have no HDD space to capture it in the first place so converting would be useless
  3. yeah but im looking for a program that saves the captured video as an wmv not avi
  4. I own a dazzle DVC 90 capture card and have been using it for a good year. Ive recently decided to test drive the new windows, windows 7. Its great and all but i noticed that it didnt come with WMM thats what i use for my capturing not editing.... so i go and DL the new WMM 2.6 or something like that and it works and all but it doesnt have a capture from video device feature. I am looking for a video capturing program that saves the files as a WMV not an AVI, AVI's are just too big and my HDD doesnt have that much room when im trying to record some halo 3 match footage. Some one help please!
  5. you need to click the annotaion because it was too long for youtube, so i entered an annotation of the parts. if you want to view the whole thing, go to the wegame.com link above
  6. This is my dualtage with a good friend of mine. I have the link to youtube where the video is split into 3 parts, and I also have the Full version on wegame.com Cannot Be Displayed if the video doesnt work here the link to it. Youtube Link or the wegame link. Wegame Montage
  7. check out the video and the ebay listing, nd tell your friends!
  8. This is a relisted item. otherone got taken down due to title saying" ALMOST NEW" but anyways, Its not the best, but Here is the link to it, here it is here is a video - Cannot Be Displayed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU41_WKz9c
  9. alright igtg, ill be back later hoping to see the results
  10. looks sic, but could i get a mascot type image in there, like a snake or something cool? you can find renders at Diviantart.com. sorry i have to go somewhere now, or else i would be there finding an image. Suprise me. Thanks
  11. 300x200 but tis up to you.
  12. hey i need a team logo for my MLG team called "Evolution Squad". Just make it to what ever omes to mind when you think of the word Evolution. and please not the car. I would want the letters to be Ev0. Thanks to anyone that helps
  13. yea its because i just strated the account, if possible you guys could leave some good feed back nd mabey people might be intrested.
  14. yeah, but i think i can get more for this gun on e-bay. if not then ill pawn it
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