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Everything posted by teddyr0ckz

  2. My gt = xk00kxk1ll4
  3. It would be a good idea but two many people would get mad that deserve it. Overall i think it would be a big mess ending up in many people leaving.
  4. Yeah i dont no for some reason it dosent work on vista. maybe ill ask darkslipstream bout it
  5. Umm cool lol
  6. Ha i think its for myspace mobs or sumthing idk
  7. Here are two new programs that i made in Visual Basics 8, which i started yesterday. Direct Link: http://h1.ripway.com/teddy9423/TEXT/ScreenCapture.exe <---Screen Capture program. Direct Link: http://h1.ripway.com/teddy9423/TEXT/NotePad.exe <---Cool Note Pad with some cool feature. Virus Total Scans: Screen Capture : http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/ef16ff9...0cb1933496388c3 Note Pad : http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/3dd33c9...d39a446610b2e38
  8. NO DO NOT USE THIS THE ONE MATTYO. THERE ARE SO MANY ERRORS. And there is not copying and pasting. There is pasting but no copying the copy is automaticaly built into the program so if you cant manage to right click then idk lol.
  9. I wouldnt use this one. This GUI has so many errors!. Use cyw00d JailBreak GUI helper.
  10. I am also a personal friend of WILDTA on youtube, one of the best ipod touch hackers and app crackers in the ipod touch commmunity so if i dont an answer to a question ill ask him and he can answer!
  11. To reboot your ipod touch 2 generation as easy as 1 click download this and thats it 1 CLICK BOOT IPT2G
  12. Yeah sure.
  13. LOL ok sounds good, if you have ANY problems or errors PM me or aim me up -tparked94 Email- tparked94@aim.com
  14. Ok well here is a quick and easy tutorial on how to jailbreak your 2 generation ipod touch from apple. Things needed : 1) 2.2.1 Firmware - 2.2.1 Firmware - go to where it says iphone/ipodtouch and click the scroll down menu bar and go to the last thing it says ipod touch 2g -2.2.1 firmware or somthing like that. 2) Cyw00d jailbreak helper - Jailbreak Helper after downloaded extract the files to your desktop and dont touch it or anaything in the folder until you are told to!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ITUNES POPS UP EXIT OUT EVERY TIME EXCPET FOR WHEN I TELL YOU TO OPEN ITUNES Now comes the actual steps to jailbreaking. 1. Make sure your running a 2.2.1 firmware on your ipod touch 2G 2. Open the cyw00d folder located on your desktop. 3. Open the cyw00d helper located in the cywood folder. 4. Install both libusb and C++ ( just click the buttons in the cyw00d window) NOTE: IF YOU ARE A WINDOWS VISTA USER GO BACK TO THE CYWOOD FOLDER AND CLICK THE INSTALL FOLDER. THEN GO RIGHT CLICK ON BOTH PROGRAMS AND CLICK PROPERTIES. THEN CLICK COMPATIBILTY AND CLICK AND CHECK WINDOWS XP. WATCH IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND 5. Drag and drop your 2.2.1 firmware that you downloaded and drag it into the cyw00d folder. 6. click in the box where it says 2.2.1.restore.ipsw or somthing like that. 7. now press start mking ipsw file (takes like 10mins) 8. now when thats done press next and put your ipod into DFU mode ( hold power and home button down for 10 seconds release the power button and hold the home button for another 10 seconds.) 9. press the first button in the cyw00d window. 10. unplug your ipod touch for 2 secnds and plug back in. (you should have a white screen.) 11. click next in cyw00d window. 12. click press me and right click and press pste in the cmd. 13. Open itunes and your ipod should be in restore mode. Now press SHIFT + Click Restore . Search in the cyw00d folder for jaibroken.ipsw and double click and let itunes do its thing. and your ipod do its thing untill its finished. 14. Press next ( your ipod should not be working DONT WORRY ITS GOOD) 15. Now put it into DFU mode agian 16. Press uplaod dfu patch or first button. 17. unplug and plug back in. 18. Click second button. 19. Press next. 20. And press the first button. 21. Press the second button and type in go press enter and then /exit and then press enter. (IF ITUNES POPS UP EXIT OUT) 22. Press the third button 23. PRESS THE LAST BUTTON AND TYPE GO then press enter key and then type /exit and press enter. CONGRATS YOU HAVE JAILBROKEN YOUR IPOD TOUCH ANY QUESTION ASK ME OR PM ME Cannot Be Displayed VIDEO TO TUT ^^^^^^^^EXCELLENT VIDEO TUTORIAL, WATCH IT^^^^^^^^^^^ tut by teddyrockz
  15. abc123 yea it works
  16. Thank You, And it is generated... Neva said it wasnt generated
  17. Mad bored..couldnt fall asleep : http://h1.ripway.com/teddy9423/dvds/Picture%201.png
  18. teddyr0ckz


    Thanks, Umm yea i will fix the error right away, srry I will becoming out with one that has way more options. ( I just started in Visual Basics yesterday so..lol)
  19. Thanks for the dirct download..I put one in my Post You can keep in your post or delete it idc.
  20. teddyr0ckz


    hello, i created a notepad. Yeah its just a regular notepad lool. http://h1.ripway.com/teddy9423/TEXT/NotePad.exe <---download link Virus Total Scan and Link: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/d28622b...d015aed32ccf76d a-squared 2009.02.04 - AhnLab-V3 2009.02.04 - AntiVir 2009.02.03 - Authentium 2009.02.03 - Avast 4.8.1281.0 2009.02.03 - AVG 2009.02.03 - BitDefender 7.2 2009.02.04 - CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.02.04 - ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.02.04 - Comodo 961 2009.02.03 - DrWeb 2009.02.04 - eSafe 2009.02.01 - eTrust-Vet 31.6.6340 2009.02.04 - F-Prot 2009.02.03 - F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.02.04 - Fortinet 2009.02.04 - GData 19 2009.02.04 - Ikarus T3. 2009.02.04 - K7AntiVirus 7.10.617 2009.02.03 - Kaspersky 2009.02.04 - McAfee 5515 2009.02.03 - McAfee+Artemis 5515 2009.02.03 - Microsoft 1.4306 2009.02.04 - NOD32 3823 2009.02.03 - Norman 6.00.02 2009.02.03 - nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.02.04 - Panda 2009.02.03 - PCTools 2009.02.03 - Prevx1 V2 2009.02.04 - Rising 2009.02.03 - SecureWeb-Gateway 6.7.6 2009.02.04 - Sophos 4.38.0 2009.02.04 - Sunbelt 3.2.1835.2 2009.01.16 - Symantec 10 2009.02.04 - TheHacker 2009.02.03 - TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.02.04 - VBA32 2009.02.03 - ViRobot 2009.2.4.1588 2009.02.04 - VirusBuster 2009.02.03 -
  21. Link fixed Im not V3NOM lol
  22. Hello, This is just a Text-To-Speech program-->You type ..Computer says. TextToSpeech.exe Virus Total Scan and Link : http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/2e56ab5...9b6e63df12c4aa3 Antivirus Version Last Update Result a-squared 2009.02.03 - AhnLab-V3 2009.02.03 - AntiVir 2009.02.03 - Authentium 2009.02.03 - Avast 4.8.1281.0 2009.02.03 - AVG 2009.02.03 - BitDefender 7.2 2009.02.04 - CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.02.03 - ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.02.03 - Comodo 961 2009.02.03 - DrWeb 2009.02.04 - eSafe 2009.02.01 - eTrust-Vet 31.6.6339 2009.02.03 - F-Prot 2009.02.03 - F-Secure 8.0.14470.0 2009.02.04 - Fortinet 2009.02.04 - GData 19 2009.02.03 - Ikarus T3. 2009.02.03 - K7AntiVirus 7.10.617 2009.02.03 - Kaspersky 2009.02.04 - McAfee 5515 2009.02.03 - McAfee+Artemis 5515 2009.02.03 - Microsoft 1.4306 2009.02.04 - NOD32 3823 2009.02.03 - Norman 6.00.02 2009.02.03 - nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.02.03 - Panda 2009.02.03 - PCTools 2009.02.03 - Prevx1 V2 2009.02.04 - Rising 2009.02.03 - SecureWeb-Gateway 6.7.6 2009.02.03 - Sophos 4.38.0 2009.02.03 - Sunbelt 3.2.1835.2 2009.01.16 - Symantec 10 2009.02.04 - TheHacker 2009.02.03 - TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2009.02.03 - VBA32 2009.02.03 - ViRobot 2009.2.3.1587 2009.02.03 - VirusBuster 2009.02.03 -
  23. 2g jailbreak is out: 2g Jailbreak--RedSn0w
  24. http://h1.ripway.com/teddy9423/Picture%201.png
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