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Everything posted by ELEMENT18592

  1. Guests cant see the Cbox so no for them.
  2. Jk :]
  3. Im just telling whats going on here, simply released a program and only 2 of 24 maps have tag lists. I think he should have stated that in the main post. And I didnt negative rep you btw.
  4. Oh really wow, i guess i should download then huh???
  5. Gunshot1130@hotmail.com thanks
  6. Lol did you really just say that, how is this even remotely close to being a good tag program when only two of the maps in it actually work, Lets see thats 2 maps out of 24. This program is crap, None of it is coded, if anything you should have given him - rep as i did.
  7. lol he dosent care, He made this as a joke. Im not even sure it works
  8. Well since ive posted it hasnt worked. Any idea?
  9. Edit: My problem now is that i have 21 rep and it still wont let me login, it keeps saying i need 4 more rep. it said that 4 reps ago. And is still saying it. GameOver can you please help with this
  10. Why would anyone report the bugs to you, Report the bugs to me not this noob. http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb95/element18592/About.jpg
  11. http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb95/element18592/Ids.png
  12. lol good luck
  13. Halo Tool Box V3 The Communitties Favorite AIO I have just finished Halo Tool Box V3 Better UI, More Apps, Embedded Tutorials, And much more. http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb95/element18592/HaloToolBoxV3.png Virus Total Scan Virus Check Here (63.33 MB) Download Now Halo Tool Box V3 Enjoy!
  14. lol typo
  15. I want to start by saying i didnt decompile this app, as a matter of fact ive never used this app. Someone who will remain unnamed (Gameover knows who) sent me the pic through messenger and said it was a phisher, the only reason i posted it was for the safety of this community. I should have looked more into it but i didnt. And I apologize, I have already apologized to Gameover and he has accepted my apology, so everything is good now.
  16. Removed and apologized.
  17. Make sure your running the app as administrator by right clicking it, Its should say run as administrator, And also make sure you have the latest .net framework, like slip said 2.0 and 3.5 aswell. Just google those and you should find the links
  18. Description dosent work. + Rep for effort though.
  19. No man, he used to mod Halo negative 3 totally different game man
  20. Thanks man, my gramps loves this. He said he can finally mod h3 again.
  21. Hell yeah my grandfather is gonna love this. Now he can actually read the buttons.
  22. if a staff member would like to update this post with the screenies here they are. http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb95/element18592/Halo3Tags1.jpg http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb95/element18592/Tags3.jpg http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb95/element18592/Tags4.jpg http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb95/element18592/About.jpg
  23. I would like an avatar like that
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