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Everything posted by PELICANMODDER

  1. Just waitin for Reach got done doing Algebra HomeWork
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SotG Caboose
    3. michael iz pro

      michael iz pro

      ha ha ha everyone replying to this status i see :D
    4. Randomrocket


      I remember Alg- I mean naptime.
  2. ok so i guesi cant.
  3. Ok hopefully it works now.
  4. still thinks im not a member.
  5. thanks I really want to beat the campaign solo before Halo:Reach
  6. Actually I already bought it.
  7. If anyone was on halo 3 for bungie day we all know people got the exclusive bungie armor and I was wondering does anyone have a permenant mod for the flaming head effect in halo 3 if so please send me it please.
  8. I would like a gamesave mod that lasts the whole campaign so i can beat it on legendary solo. if you can thx.
  9. This is my recon
  10. I have a profile with pictures of me ir recon
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