have you noticed that mcmodder has posted the most sigs on the site and there all crap, u no what i think, i think hes making sigs and putting them on the site so he can get more posts, cos hes the biggest spammer on ibotmodz.
ed it might not be amazing but its a damn sight better looking than yours, oh and pretty good at least you can make em, i have no clue on how to use photoshop or paint.net
there not urs the one on the right is not you its digitalph33rs and the one on the keft is just copied and pasted off someone elses account off bungie.net
most of the programs SAY that they can do all of that but they cant, they just say it so people will download it, you can test them all, but you will find that schitzo is the most reliable.
Schitzo Film Editor Schitzo, in my opinion is the best halo 3 film modder, because of the variety of things that you can do with it e.g. flaming helmets, name changing (NOTE: the amount of characters you change your name to has to have the exact same amount of characters as your original name was), also you can change your service tag, as long as you keep it as 3 characters you can have it what you want. [P.S] I almost forgot that when your making a film to mod, there can only be up to 4 people in the party, also make sure no one is wearing mark 5 and the video must not be anything over 1mb of memory. Download: Schitzo6.rar
To download click >>>>>>>>>>> http://www.errorsmart.com/download.php When pressing on the link, your anti-virus might might detect the site as a virus, if you get this problem just temporarily disable your anti-virus, when the program has finished downloading and you've installed it, go to Uninstall a program on your control panel and uninstall error smart, but before it will start to uninstall Error smart, it will ask you if you'd like a free trial, type in your email address and they will send you a serial key. When you recieve the serial key copy and paste it into the register tab on the error smart program, and obviously the email address you used, click OK and there you have it. picture of program: http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s319/Augustiner/BuZZ/ErrorSmart27.jpg