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Everything posted by DeathGripz

  1. Nice man, I won't use it but im sure someone will.
  2. DeathGripz

    360 Modding

    Firmware mod. Let's you run burnt games. That's about it. Pm me if you need more details. (Ps im actually staff just lost my account.)
  3. I was here when halo 2 modding tuts was only one page long On a diffrent name and diffrent computer lol.
  4. But im a staff member...
  5. Welcome back? Where did i go lmao. I have changed passwords. Pm me please.
  6. Okay you all know me. DeathGrip. I talked to Smokie today and found out that my account was hacked... When i get it back im changing my password to like 12 characters from a random generator or something. deathgrip_17@hotmail.com... Tell me the new password. Check my IP if you don't trust me. I have two. Sasktel dail up and Bell Isp wireless.
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