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Everything posted by GLITCH902

  1. Doesn't work. I tried it two times and it just says its corrupted.
  2. Thanks, I'll try it and see if it works!
  3. I want to mod my clan tag on my profile that is 8 MB in size. I know how to mod my clan tag, but I want to know how big of a profile that Hash Bloc will resign. I don't want to test my profile because I don't want it to corrupt. Please give me an answer.
  4. I have been trying to mod Call of Duty online and I need some advice if anyone could help. I have been trying to mod CoD and have not figured out how. This is the area of one of my profiles I have been trying to mod, so far nothing has worked and I know this is possible. codwawonlinemodz.bmp I would like some advice if anyone could help. I want to know if I an in the wrong area of my profile, and do I enter the actual cheat? example [noclip, god, give all, etc...]
  5. Just download this file http://rqsc2.com/xboxsoftmods.org/files/we...view&id=177 Rehash and Resign Then put it on your Xbox 360 where the other map files are stored. Hope this helps!
  6. I am downloading the map pack right now, I will soon be modding it once I get it on my Xbox.
  7. Check out GameTuts on YouTube.com
  8. You can do the exact same thing on the Orange Box!
  9. It works, yay now I can mod some old mod-patched games!
  10. The last time I tried this the game froze up on me.
  11. Hey its me. lololol
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