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About snipershot1

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Apprentice Grade 1

Apprentice Grade 1 (2/44)



  1. snipershot1

    The Pit Bound

    its the point ogf the map that it hasn't really ever been done before
  2. i made it that way so IBotPeaches could veiw it but he said no untill i get more members
  3. ok well i see to it to get more members and by trading links what exactly do you mean? or i guess what i mean is i though affiliates where just parteners of people that just wanted more veiws so i guess right now becoming affiliates with yall does not help yall only me so w/e ill get more members and there's 2 members right now anyways would yall mind joining the site? and being active in it? or you think you could help me make the site bigger?
  4. you don't need pics for a program it just simeple boxes oyu clcik to excute commands you know what its going to look like
  5. Well hi guys i created a Fourm site mainly about Halo 3 Machinma, a little bit of a mod section but not the purpose, and a map posting section where modded maps are not put at.. anyways iv'e already asked IBotpeaches for Affiliation with IBotModz.. And im still awaiting his final answer since he said he would take a look at it. well anyways id like yall to take a look at it and see what yall think and if yall could join the site and become part of the community because at the moment i only have 1 member registerd which is me and once you create an account go to the rules and info section and read everything there.... so here's the link to the site and some pics to go along with it Halo Chronicles http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee175/notoriousgunz/untitled.jpg http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee175/notoriousgunz/halo.jpg *NOTE* sorry for reapeating it just didn't seem to fit there and it wasn't getting alot of veiws
  6. thank you also think you could help get me more people? also i spent all yesterday setting it up and what not so i haven't really been able to advertise or anything so yeah its pretty tiny right now and your a modder right?
  7. Well hi guys i created a Fourm site mainly about Halo 3 Machinma, a little bit of a mod section but not the purpose, and a map posting section where modded maps are not put at.. anyways iv'e already asked IBotpeaches for Affiliation with IBotModz.. And im still awaiting his final answer since he said he would take a look at it. well anyways id like yall to take a look at it and see what yall think and if yall could join the site and become part of the community because at the moment i only have 1 member registerd which is me.... so here's the link to the site and some pics to go along with it Halo Chronicles http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee175/notoriousgunz/halo.jpg http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee175/notoriousgunz/untitled.jpg
  8. i really don't get it and the only thing thats modded on here is the 2 rocks but thats all i can see from the pics so the map loks pretty good overall nice job
  9. possibley.....
  10. ok i made a city called Garan and i need yall to visit the link and increase my population on the city then you mak a city and post the link and the picture of the city i will update my picture frequently so it shows getting bigger and bigger any ways here it is. http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee175/notoriousgunz/GaranStage2.jpg and heres the link to the City- http://garan.myminicity.com/
  11. i see you added the forge gametype i sent you unless someone else sent you it first but anyways sweet
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