are you sure your using MPC... ive been using it for a while and ive never encountered this. is it the computer or explorer.exe thats crashing, there the only similar problems i can find on google.
this seems to be a good place to put this: so a minor bug really. only mildly annoying but just thought you might want to know it was there. could just be me though.... anyways, firefox (skinned if it matters) with chatzilla and noscript addons.
now, i assume your trying to play an MPEG-4 video if your having trouble with FFDshow. now, i agree with smokie, i had problems and all i needed to do was to d/l FFDshow and media player classic (pretty sure it comes with the codec). if you play your fiels in MPC you shouldnt have any trouble.
it looks like your running vista, if your only on a gig of ram, be careful you still have enough to run the OS, quite frankly, i think its silly to run vista on anything under 2 GB. Though if you want to play the games, i s'pose you need to. You could always upgrade to a grphics card.
seeing as how you broke it in the first place, i would take it to a computer repair place and have them do it, that way, it wont get even more broken (maybe...). or just dont shut down your comp.
smokie... hmmm it was you who introduced me to this site, way back when you first joined. i havent been on much, made the odd post. even so, i will still miss you and your stories about this site. it is a pity, i can remember the first time you told me about ibotpeaches, how much i hated anarchy when you talk me about him and even how excited you were when you got into the GFX team. farewell. i will miss you, smokie. i have to say, MY favourite memory of you was when i made the largest spam post of my life, calling you gay. you deleted it in 5 seconds flat.
you could try to see if this would work, im not sure if its possible, but you get the idea. IF img_HALO.clicked = true then img_HALO.left = cursor.left. and the same for the .top. so basically you make the .left and the .top variables that same as the cursor when its clicked, just 'drop' the image box once you stop holding the mouse. thats the way i'd go about it anyways.
when you use gimp you can download the different addons that allow you to use the different tools and folters that may be harder to find in GIMP than in PS or that gimp may just not have.