i need a profile resigner if you have one can you post here if you want to see how to mod profiles go on this http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=123332
I would advise going to Error Smart.com and downloading official one i have scanned it with avg and a fake spyware comes up i dont know if thats to do with the program anyways
Nope still did not work i dont know how to post screenies but ill tell u what i did XBL Keygen> XBL keygen has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you were in the middle of something the information you were working on might be lost Please tell micrsoft about this problem We have created an error report you can help us improven XBL Keygen we will treat this report as confidential and anyomus then it has two links What data does this error report contain Why should i report to Microsoft Send Error Report > Dont Send
When i try to open certain folders it comes up with an error report if u can tell me why it would be must appreciated Examples are - sandbox v3 - mcmodders xbl keygen- and others is it me or the porgram?