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Everything posted by Mrcarrotman

  1. hey fatal your ginger from mcmodder
  2. Mrcarrotman

    Blue shadz

    Blueshadowz is online now
  3. i mean auto aim
  4. can you provide me witha link for a halo 2 aim bot for 360?
  5. if you need a website for gamesaves go to http://www.xplodergamecheats.net/ good site and resginer it is free no inv needed
  6. Thats funny lol
  7. Mrcarrotman

    CoD WaW Mod

    is it possible to make a 100x Gravity?
  8. my phone is uk and i tryed to dial a us number but it is not found how do i phone from uk to us?
  9. Mrcarrotman

    Blue shadz

    it gave me a virus when i tryed to go on it so it most probably is
  10. Mrcarrotman

    CoD WaW Mod

    THanks for this i been playing campaign with it and it does work
  11. this looks amazing how long have u been working on this
  12. Mrcarrotman


    how do i download music off of youtube
  13. Nice work it worked thanks
  14. yes thats what i meant
  15. when i boot my pc a message comes up saying CFSSer.exe has encounterd a problem and needs to close can you help me out? THank you
  16. finally found the firmwire needed to flash my 360 thanks
  17. hello i need to open some ports for my router but the ports dont stay open is there anyway to make them stay open
  18. http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1671715/3876110/ here you go
  19. here is my desktopDesktop.bmp
  20. download cain and abel and install aircap to it off http://erwan.l.free.fr/aircap/index.html one site i came across
  21. nice vids u showed me some funny ones before like the no scope one
  22. Nice glitches and vid
  23. when i done this everything changed apart from start menu
  24. You have to be connection host to do it
  25. Instant Canvas maker would be usefull for me as off not deleteing the map
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