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Everything posted by mrmoddude

  1. Hey dude your the one spamming this thread.....someone should do something about it. ----- and Darkruler are you working on finding Longshore pics?
  2. You realize your loosing this arguement? You keep repeating the same word. He keeps replying to you not because he knows you are winning this arguement, its because what you keep saying is incredibly stupid (EPIC FAIL INSULToMeter is going off) and can be dubbed as spam.
  3. hey bro take it easy its his first mod and hell its hard to mod these days and get past that NXE s***...give the kid some slack
  4. sometime can you show me Elite Takeov3r and Prophet 0.3 in customs...my gamertag is KSI Marine Sgt
  5. this might be the three words that change your life, but someone has to tell you eventually to.... Go @%#$ Yourself.
  6. can you tell me which The Pit mods on your list are security cam mods (besides Hold Out Room and Current [A]), Im trying to find a good one with the camera angles Hold Out Room has but more well placed (cus Hold Out Room SUCKS)
  7. I bet it will play out like the Hornets on Rats Nest and The Pit....(not pixeled but still somewhat in detail)
  8. This was on your site, the part about the pelicans and LONGSWORDS, could you MOD them into the map omfg hax that would be awesome!
  9. I've looked at that list before how am I supposed to know which ones are new?
  10. links please....
  11. did you rush through this, because the cameras in the sword room are horribly placed (like some are half way through a wall).....if you had them all in the same place that would be nice (ex. 3 difference cameras side by side, covering the monitors where the sword usually spawns) ... and do you really need to put that many pelicans in the map? No. This map had or has potential but ultimately failed at the end due to rushing, misplacing/epic-failability placing of modded things (which includes: those lights, pelicans, cameras, and warthogs). I would love to see a V2 version of this which has been cleaned up because what mainly attracted me to this map was the new camera angles (AND IF ANY1 HAS A LINK TO A MAP WITH CAMERAS ON IT THAT IS A GOOD MAP (NOT THE CURRENT [A] ONE THOUGH), PLEASE PLACE A LINK AS A REPLY!!!)
  12. When the mods were hot back in the summer I got my hands on a lot of the good ones before deleted on bnet, I have UNSC Warthog, the map with the Troop Hog (host only drivable, blow up once to drive when it respawns) in the map along with 4 regular Warthog's (drivable by all...not just host, no blowing up needed)...Ill gladly show you it in custom games sometimes cus I could care less about being a deuche and not sharing what I have. My GT is KSI Marine Sgt
  13. mrmoddude

    The Pit Bound

    any links to videos or a bungie download map
  14. WE ARE SAVED due to deadcanadian being smart! Now release deadlinks....
  15. *starts chant* new list, new list, new list!
  16. there is one...check first page or on the forum board....
  17. watch the video...
  18. how much till you get gold back...
  19. MANY links on the last two posts are broken fyi
  20. I am not an idiot, I am just sick of this list at the bottom of the mod list with "unreleased mods". What are the point of these. Simple childish nature of if you have something that nobody (or not many) people have, you don't want to share it (ala unreleased mods)...well let me tell you one think b****.....I'm fed up with people like that so your reply better be telling me your not like that and you'll stop just showing a list of mods that people actually care about and want or maybe even need........
  21. Zz, will you please add Monitor Room or one of your other Pit Camera mods to the list because my machinima group kinda wants a multiple picture/differnt area camera mod....thanks (btw I've been waiting for you to release it for about a month and a half now...)
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