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xXSgt MaRsXx

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Everything posted by xXSgt MaRsXx

  1. xXSgt MaRsXx

    PS3 ID's

  2. im reading contact harvest right now so im trying to keep up on this like im switching facts of reach and harvest together like an idiot
  3. Alias 2 it looks like this http://www.cellphones.ca/news/upload/2009/05/samsung-vzw-alias-2-up.jpg
  4. http://handspreca.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/samsung-vzw-alias-2-up.jpg mines the same as OP but its called a Samsung Alias And its Silver
  5. i heard its free dont remember where, maybe it was in bungies flood forum somewhere?
  6. Ok thanks for clearing that up
  7. Was i supposed to be asked for my email or something so i get both codes (honor guard wraith/Flaming hog) i pre-ordered the collectors edition (Pm me)
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