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Everything posted by someGuyOnIbotmodz

  1. uhh what... thats cool man if your into that
  2. ehh i will
  3. wow that is a crazy random asian guy and like it the blue is kool with a k like the brush that you used looks almost like flames
  4. i third...that... would it be third emm idk but same darklegaccey ftw
  5. thats not true.Lots of ppl are leaveing cause of flamers and nubs screaming for teh recons
  6. i geuss im still pro lol and also if you look at it from the right angel you can se a littel bit of weird blur
  7. not yet some guys are working on it wonder what your going to be with more than 4 guys is it going to restart
  8. dude it looks difrent i could tell it was fake i r pro
  9. oh he gave me this account
  10. ehh id might do it but its up too u
  11. what...the....******..was....that....
  12. 1538 flamers i fkn hate you all i hope you die a painfull death lolololololollol thats a flamer for you
  13. damn those japeness sure now how to sell em and make (hopefully)
  14. and i cant see the pics sept for detoxes one
  15. anthony is not 12 ive played with b4 hes like 17 or older trust me oh and i want to nominate Dark Shall Fall hes has made lots of mods none released and he is also apperntly a good dev kit modder
  16. i vote hell yes he made my uber sexy sig
  17. 1531 sexy bitches
  18. man wish i could do that photoshop dosent even run on my computer
  19. ^ dude love your sig sexy ^
  20. dude thats sooo sexy i need to make some kind of a sig could you make me one
  21. yeah make me 1 dosent matter what type just make it sexy lol
  22. lame dosent even work
  23. cause im sexy
  24. i live down the street frm u its joe dumbass you gave me this account
  25. another random mod it looks ok though
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