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Everything posted by boomerisizzle

  1. k ur dumb im gunna be all no grammer an what not just to piss u off you were complaining about something not being relevant how does you bitching about grammer and third world countries having comps have a damn thing to do with dlc you ******* tard now go read the post again and again and realise how ******* dumb you are
  2. its flaming cause you are trying to force the conformaty onto every one you meet online to use proper gramer noone honestly cares and ps3 talk no it was a simple question so quit trying to envoke an online argument read the topic try the topic and deal with it with out looking like a moron that wants to win an online argument its like racing in the speacial olympics even if you win your still retarded
  3. its also hard to type while feeding my 4 month old son i have a ps3
  4. thats why you have to copy not move when u copy it signs what ever it may be as yours u can do this with achievments as well
  5. ok so if you dont know what game sharing is then google it it will give you info for the ps3 way most likley but you can do it on the 360 with a simple mem card and a buddy now what you need to realise is its easy as hell if you copy someone elses stuff to your profile from a mem card it claims it as your property so get a large enough external hard drive and you can do full games by down loading thier dlc to the mem source you chose to use and copying it to your profile and that includes all those preorder gifts that you forgot about and maps you just have to know someone that has soime dlc you want and you dont have to worry about being banned iether now stop being dumb and quit wining about mc points and being broke and just learn to share lol
  6. awe you guys looked over the obvious research gamesharing on the 360 just like game sharing on the ps3 but no limit to only doing it 5 times you just need a mem card or external hard drive for it to work so yes you just need to know someone that has it
  7. yeah im writing the list up at work and distracted cause i got fable 2 early
  8. so i got a job a game crazy and its also combined with hollywood video and i now get free rentals on anything dead space:released saints row 2: released alone in the dark: released disney sing it: released dokapon kingdom: released fifa socer: released golden axe beast rider:released goose bumps horror land: released littlest pet shop: released littlest pet shop winter: released naruto path of the ninja 2: released rock revolution: released socom us navy seals confrontation: released i will be releasing more info when other games are released ps rock band 2 bundle pack and rockband 2 for ps3 comes out 10/21
  9. actually i was not going with the clear case im drilling in and hot gluing in some rumble led s and color cordinating the buttons so how would i go about finding the voltage that the controller uses
  10. so how many leds can you put in a corded controller
  11. 1541 so what happens when we hit the end
  12. why the @#%$ is peaches still not in the hall of fame i mean seariously wtf
  13. 1499 sniper bullets fired on halo 3 shot from me i killed 2 people yes 1 second of holding a trigger on halo 2 149814981498 bullets 50 kills i win lol
  14. ok i guess i have to tell the story now ok release date for the 360 comes around i go buy one yay im stoked right yeah you could say that for a week or two so i decide to go to game stop and i see this thing called xsata i look at it it says make your hardrive space virtually endless by connecting it to your computer so i think modchip so i buy it ok so im modding halo 2 out like im a bungie employee ok i get a call from my grandparents and they want me to go out of town with them for a while so i do i come back home my xbox is gone and im like seriously wtf ok so christmas rolls around my dad buys me a new one and im like cool now all i need is a new mod chip and i was going to buy one but then i remembered about the gps locator that you put in dogs well i put one in mine so i call them up pay the 60$ activation charge and i go get it back but he through away my modchip and erased everything i did so a while gos buy and i have 2 360s yay but it gets better i get a disk read error on my formerly modded 360 and the warranty is expired and i knew how to fix it so i tear it apart and fix it and my dad walks in and asks why i through my 3650 away and i thought his girlfriend through away my case so i go out there and there was a brand new 360 just sitting there so now i have 3 but no mod chip
  15. ok i was a modder untill my xsata was stolen but my theory for campaign is if you turn the iron skull on doesnt that get rid of the auto save feature just a theory dont bash me
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