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Everything posted by teddyR0CKs

  1. hey i will help u out! my gamertag iz My Br Iz Sleepy
  2. i deleted beacuse mean comments were made
  3. What a Beast Guide...Amazing job explaining everything oh for the link at the end click it>download first link thing>save>run>type L337 and have fun
  4. hey can u guys sign up at this site..its basically a referral... http://www.winzy.com/teddyR0CKs its also my sig.. so can every 1 that sees this sign up u dont even need to confirm it wid an email just sign up and thats it u dont even have to use the site idc i just need points/referals not gunna lie thxz, teddyrocks
  5. up
  6. yup:}
  7. ohh credit also goes to fattwam for showing L337 Box and L337 Box for showing me LOL
  8. ur opionon..u must not have a big sense of humor
  9. yes i agree
  10. funnyyyy funny funny funny[/ur funny
  11. Sorry to hear. My grandpa just died from brain cancer. Praying for em p.s.- miracles do happen
  12. Calculator Method 1) Go to Start > Run or "WindowsKey + R" 2) Type in "calc" (or just open the calculator through the accessories if you can) 3) The calculator will open up. Click on "Help > Help Topics" 4) An MSInfo screen should open up...right click on the top left of the window on the text that reads "Calculator", and a file menu should drop down. 5) Click on "Jump to URL..." 6) Enter the URL you wish to browse (dont for get to type in http://www.yourwebsite.com)
  13. LMAO i no i put it up like 1 day ago i think it is like glitchin or sumthing..idk
  14. thats not the point i am trying to get across. The point i am trying to get across is that i help every one thats ask me(not demands) for help, i was giving examples. I don't really like posting(my personal opionon) so i go in the chat box,i could have over 200 post but i am not gunna lie alot of it would be spam..so i rather not spam and be in the chatbox!
  15. support is great
  16. thats dude
  17. come one i have given over 1000 accs away to numerous people, quite a few 48hr codes, myspace help and tricks, halo 3 help, and just always there in the chat box..i dont like posting so i cb.. if i am worthy u will VIP ME
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