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About iBotModzLolz

iBotModzLolz's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 1

Apprentice Grade 1 (2/44)



  1. Yeah sorry Bungie put the Banhammer on those and everytime i put one up its taken down
  2. I did not make all of these only Twisted Defence, and High Tower. I'd recommend High Tower due to the fact its the most playable mod ever. No jk B) Steps: 1. Download Video 2. Play Video in Theater 3. Play Video then Quit 4. Go to Custom or Forge 5. Then go to Recently Played 6. Woot! Modz lol http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=25668461
  3. Very Helpful and truley pointless to me
  4. Honestly dumb one above me Its for when you are making a map, and you dont know what something looks like you can go here, look at the pictures, and helps you make up your mind...Duh
  5. Since this was made with Microsoft Word, It won't be posted on iBotModz until it's 100% finished, to see the beta version, just download the file. This is the tag lists available, I just copied and pasted the text only no pics yet. (Read Above) Halo 3 Mod Index All credit for this goes to iBotModzlolz (GT: TwistedBeare) Do not copy, post, or take credit for this, it takes time to make something like this and pisses me off when people copy and paste it and take credit for it. You donât like it; get the hell off this page. Avalanche Man cannon 01 = FB5419DE Man cannon 02 = FB6019EA Man cannon 03 = FB6419EE Man cannon 04 = FB6819F2 Man cannon 05 = FB6C19F6 Man cannon 06 = FB7019FA Man cannon 07 = FB7419FE Man cannon 08 = FB7A1A04 Lifts = FB891A13 Invisible Man Cannon = F9CD1857 Itâs Invisible⦠Flamethrower Stream = F86E16F8 10 Inch Icicle: E2B3013D 18 Inch Icicle: E2E60170 24 Inch Icicle: E305018F Scorpion Cannon w/ Snow Camo = EE8C0D16 Troop = E900078A Missile Pod = EDA80C32 Black Out Radar bar = F0390EC3 Smoke = F06F0EF9 Steam = F07A0F04 Airlift = F0630EED Cell tower = E28E0118 Wind Cups = E2B70141 Windsock = E2C0014A Locker = E2CF0159 Z Poop cover= E2E1016B Sandtrap Phantom Back Piece Large Bottom = E24300CD Phantom Back Piece Large Top = E2E4016E Phantom Back Piece Medium = E2E90173 Phantom Back Piece Small = E2EE0178 Phantom Bottom Piece = E2F3017D Phantom Flat Piece Left = E2F80182 Phantom Flat Piece Right = E2FD0187 Phantom Front Piece = E302018C Phantom Side Piece Left = E3070191 Phantom Side Piece Right = E30C0196 Flashing Light Pole = E2B60140 Sandbag Detail 1 = E22F00B9 Sandbag Detail 2 = E23400BE Sandbag Wall = E21800A2 Sandbag Wall 45 corner = E22A00B4 45 degree sandbag barrier Sandbag Wall 90 corner = E23900C3 Sandbag Wall End Cap = E22500AF Lifts = F9CD1857 Crowbar/Pink Cane = FA12189C Small cane (No point) The Da-Vinci Egg = EDAC0C36 DOWNLOAD
  6. I didn't really understand a single thing you said -.-
  7. Well I won't give credit to anyone unless they ask for it i don't know if they want to have their name out there because you could get banned, and trust me khoas...i dont want any of your lame ass mods
  8. Me and my friend are making a Youtube video of mods just for fun and if you want yours in the video just post it here ill play it get the shots i need and then im done, ill post it back it will be about 2 or 3 days. : D
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