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Everything posted by MarcMT

  1. Hope they go back to San Andreas would be siccck
  2. MarcMT

    It was fun.

    Man i miss this community =) was the best out there. and because of this site it has lead my life to places i never thought i would be able to achieve, so many great memory's hope this site never goes down
  3. Dudeeeeeeeeeeeee at first i was like that looks so bad why would you do that but hell it looks mean now!
  4. Interesting, thanks
  5. omg thank you i had so many files left on xp when i switched 2 win 7 and it was so annoying have to get ownership etc or boot to it put them onto a flash drive and come back
  6. MarcMT

    Forge 2.6

    thanks man, legend
  7. yea thanks works great!
  8. would u please post the hex values 4 recon as i would like to try thanks
  9. can someone please help i do everything im supposed to edit the film resign it and watever but when i put it back on my xbox and watch it ever1 is still wearing their normal amour if i extract it again and look at the hxd code every1 should b wearing recon
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