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About BrokenRiver

BrokenRiver's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Ok Fine Im Sorry
  2. Hey Guys I Bet This Guy Is Trying To Make Shotspartin1177 Look Bad Because There Is A Clan Member Named Shotspartin1177
  3. Well Stairway mod on Vahalla Is Nothing I Mean Wtf Really??
  4. I Bet You Thats Not Even ShotsSpartin Because His Name Is Shotspartin1177 Not Shotspartin117 Im Sorry But I Tryed 3 Of Those But They Worn't Even Mods And Im 14 lol
  5. Hey ShotsSpartin Im Sorry These Suck And Are Not Even Mods ST1RW4Y Is Fake Along With No wepon And Slayer 001 (invinciple)
  6. dude update my posts bungie removed them
  7. W00T!!!!!!! 10,000 POST! OR VIEW IM NOT SURE.... LOL
  8. Ok listen Abyss is just jealues becuase he stole my friends goldenspartens mods and says he made them and he dosent mod I MOD!
  9. hey dude can you check out my mods?
  10. Oh My Gosh they are reseting the ranking thats pretty gay and the mythic map pack on a disk i mean wtf??? why not a update for microsoft points....
  11. Hey dude thanks for finally puting my mods on there
  12. oh im sorry
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