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Everything posted by tfrasc

  1. tfrasc

    Reach mods

    The firefight level will be great. Ur other mod is good for a first one.
  2. People just dont get it. YOU CANT PLAY A DEV MOD ON A RETAIL AND U PROBLY NEVER WILL BE ABLE TOO. sorry for caps
  3. tfrasc

    SandBox 3.3

    Wtf a golf club and golf ball???
  4. Thats kinda gay its almost exactly like sandtrap but still nice find
  5. Exaclty Shot has been fakin shhit since h3 modding started. Nobody likes that faggitt and his mods suck Sorry for flaming but seriously i havent seen a post on this site where hes told the truth.
  6. Retard isnt a nice word. And if they wanta buy a dev kit let them.
  7. Hahah wow those are sick keep up the good work
  8. You said it yourself that it's the wrong section. Just because you want quicker results doesnlt mean you should do that!!!!!!!! But i dont really play gears so sorry!!! Try shoutbox sumtimes or google it.
  9. tfrasc

    Dev Mods

    The confetti is bomb
  10. It looks pretty sweet
  11. Shade is a 78 year old hag named Gertrude!!! Every body know that dude get with the program.
  12. 1525 is the bomb
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