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About made2kil

made2kil's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 1

Apprentice Grade 1 (2/44)



  1. made2kil

    Halo 2 DLC

    Lol someone please upload their whole Halo 2 Section of their HDD? Thanks,
  2. made2kil

    Halo 2 DLC

    Well when i go to Halo2/Maps-No maps just a font folder.
  3. made2kil

    Halo 2 DLC

    Well idk i can resign them to my console unless their LIVE files, but thats part of the reason why i asked for the whole folder.
  4. made2kil

    Halo 2 DLC

    Alright thanks.
  5. made2kil

    Halo 2 DLC

    Thanks, but may i ask how/where you use this?
  6. made2kil

    Halo 2 DLC

    Ok thats fine and thanks. I'm outta school tommarow-Reason: State of Emergency
  7. made2kil

    Halo 2 DLC

    Can someone please upload their whole halo 2 game folder from their xbox 360 hdd Sorry i can't download the maps back and i don't accually have them. I have all the maps, I just need the rest of the stuff the all the patches and icon's.
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