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Everything posted by NoobMoDdEr

  1. No he means about the pelican is that you canplay as a pelican in the level LOL
  2. Hey i will make your mod for you for free
  3. Hey this also happend to me but i figured it out by using Xplorer Extreme 2 and it worked
  4. Yea its nice of you to make mods for people who cannot mod. And the prices arent bad really bad. Good Job Halodu03de . How do you make campaign mods like be a ODST person?
  5. This is so much fun Ownurazz and i made another modded map on sandtrap
  6. Yup im releasing it Tom even though it might be crap but i think its pretty cool
  7. Thanks Kurropt DaTA again
  8. Well i was trying my 2mod on Foundry. I put a fencewall for water and when i play it the water is either not there or its going sideways. Could someone teach me the correct way to put water in the map.
  9. That would be great if you could GT: II SnowFlakZ II
  10. #Pit Mod Test# #http://www.haloforever.com/images/heatmaps/halo_3_the_pit_heatmap.jpg# Made by #II SnowFlakZ II# Post written up by #NoobModDeR# of iBotModz.net Features: -#Master Chief Clones -#Elite Clones -#Pelicans -#Invisible Cameras -#Monitors Bugs -#The Monitors For the Cameras are in the ground and only part of it is sticking out# Pictures Video Download Mod link Note"]#Noob ModDeR#[/b] of iBotModz.net
  11. ITS PIMP i know ill make a video of me driving it you guys should get one
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