Joined: 26-July 08 Other Aliases: none Posts: Number: 15 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): no Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?:both Knowing that there is leaked/stolen content in there, do you support leaked/stolen content or frown upon it? I Don't support it.
i just got a transfer cable and i want to mod stuff but when i try 2 open my hard drive in xport or xplorer both say could not find a FATX drive to open i have 3 hard drive's, two 120 gb and 60gb i think please help
i cant download the new xbox 360 update that came out today, it starts to donwload then just stops and says: cant download update, please go to settings then test the internet settings and other stuff and if the problem persist please go to please help
all he did was save halodu03de's race tracks and put boxes and that where clones were these maps suck he just ruined them they are exactly the same as halodu03de's but worst