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Everything posted by bloodyhell94

  1. wellright now im not sure wich type u guys are talking about... real emo or stearyotypes...
  2. thanks u guys i think ill get it coded later... also its centered already.... <table align="center">
  3. cool also when u plug in ur hardrive back to ur xbox 360 ( if u wer using xport) then sometimes u have to like tie tape aroundxbox to make the hard drive stick in good cus the xport can mess up ur hdd's things to make it hold into the xbox
  4. theres ds hacks u just have to find em at the right place...
  5. hey guys theis is my first one // its uncoded....... and the backround is cruddy but i think every thing else is koolz please give ur opinion XD http://btdownloads.ismyst.com/template/ i was gunnu get it coded but i want to get some random peoples thoughts about it like if its good or not :/ :DD
  6. the site has nuthin on it and also if u want a free non legal ipb goto ipbfree.com
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